News and Events


Rover on a red planet and red sky with a planet or moon in the background.

Manchester Reads 2024

Nasa Ambassador, educator, mathematician, computer scientist, beekeeper, swim instructor, parent, and grandparent, Benadette Manning will be sharing a hands on, all ages, Mars discovery program on Wednesday, May 29 from 5:00-6:00PM. Best to know as much as possible about a planet before we consider moving there! Register for Explore Mars with a NASA Ambassador by clicking here

Read our Manchester Reads 2024 keynote book: A City on Mars: Can We Settle Space, Should We Settle Space and Have We Really Thought this Through?  All May discover the stars together with a space-themed Manchester Reads. Check out books, movies, programs for all ages, crafts and even a telescope! 

Check out the YA department's pick: Star Splitter by Matthew J. Kirby. This taut, characterization-rich novel imagines a future in which travelers get from point A on Earth to point B in deep space by running themselves through a 3D printer. What could possibly go wrong??? On Thursday, May 30 at 4:00PM teens can come grab some pizza and talk about "Star Splitter"! Copies of the book are available at the library's circulation desk. Please register as space is limited.

The youth book is Packing For Mars For Kids by Mary Roach. Get answers to important questions like: "How do astronauts use the bathroom in space?" "Why would it be dangerous to bring your own sandwich onto the shuttle for liftoff?" and "What is it like to be weightless?" 

Find out more by clicking on the links below.

Manchester residents can check out the library's telescope.

Graphic Novel Club: Reading "Red's Planet" Grades 4-7
WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 AT 4:00—4:45 PM

Explore Mars with a NASA Ambassador
WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 AT 5:00—6:00 PM

Teen Book Group: Star Splitter
THURSDAY, MAY 30 AT 4:00—5:00 PM

A Message from the Friends of the Manchester Library

Next drop off is June 15

Piles of books.

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