Connecting the World of IT
Get used to ransomware and outages, says infrastructure exec
Is quantum computing nearly here yet?
Cloudera CEO Tom Reilly on law enforcement and fake news
Which Enterprise Password Managers work the best?


It’s good to give back to the community. Even the NSA thinks so. That must be why the US intelligence agency launched its own GitHub page this week. The 32 projects on offer includes a framework for developing and deploying software radio applications, security monitoring, memory retrieval, and a framework for creating widgets. No word on how many backdoors come included as standard. There is a precedent for this: the UK’s GCHQ joined GitHub back in 2015.  Read the rest of this week's tech news roundup here.




A look at what's happening in tech around the world

Africa: Six things to know about network connectivity in Africa


Asia: Indian banking sector is mass growth opportunity for IT




Opinion, analysis and interviews across the technology industry
Cloudera CEO Tom Reilly on law enforcement and fake news
Smart City projects need long term vision and to serve the people personally
GDPR and the death of third-party data
Which Enterprise Password Managers work the best?
Get used to ransomware and outages, says infrastructure exec
Is quantum computing nearly here yet?
Snap! SnapLogic CEO revels in second go at integration
Operation Cloud Hopper shows we can't rely on anti-virus alone
How The Machine from HPE will find its way into your data centre

Cloud migration edges towards the halfway mark









Typical 24: Jo Glifford, Killer Content Academy

C-Suite Career Advice: Lee-Martin Seymour, Xref
CMO Files: Jeff Thomas, Apcera

C-Suite Talk Fav Tech: Jason Rolles, BlueOptima


Top Tips: Three things (potentially) holding back your IT career

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