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Development Team Sunweb's Max Kanter (GER) has secured the German national road race title for the second year in a row, after a great lead-out from team mates saw him in perfect position to contest the sprint.

Kanter: "I'm really happy to continue wearing this beautiful jersey for another year. The race was pretty nervous, but we all kept the overview of the race and tried to cover the important breakaways. I saved energy for the sprint and the guys looked after me really well. Everything went like we had planned and the guys gave me all of the support that I needed to take a good result. Towards the end we had Leon in the chase to bring the breakaway back and Martin and Florian kept the pace high. Nikias positioned me really well and after the climb Marc took over and brought me to 200 metres to go. I'm really happy to defend the jersey and proud of all of the support that the team and staff have given me."

Team Sunweb coach Sebastian Deckert (GER): "Today was a real team performance. We talked through the plan throughout the whole week and trained together with the guys so that we were completely ready to defend the jersey. Upfront we made the plan that we would sprint with Max and in the end the plan went better than expected. During the last two laps the guys were always up at the front and always in position together. When we had to work, we worked and the guys did a great lead out for Max to finish and take the win."

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