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It was a day to remember for Team Sunweb's 24-year-old Coryn Rivera as she sprinted to victory at Trofeo Alfredo Binda, taking the biggest win of her career and the first women's WorldTour win for the team in 2017. 

As the race reached its business end Team Sunweb remained active at the front of the peloton making breakaway attempts and marking any attacks that looked like they could be decisive. After a perfect sprint preparation Rivera was brought into the last corner in a great position. The aerodynamics and stiffness of Team Sunweb's Liv Envie alongside Rivera's power meant she was a force to be reckoned with. Her explosive sprint proved too much for her opponents in the bunch as she crossed the line to take the victory.

After her victory Coryn said: "We had a couple of different cards to play today. Both myself and my team mates tried our luck in getting in any potential race deciding moves but it turned out that the race stayed together for a bunch sprint. We kept fighting to stay in the front group and it payed off. I was really thankful to have the support of my team and especially Ellen [van Dijk] there with me, she came back over to me at the last climb and stayed with me through to the end. She was instrumental in the finale and I couldn't have taken the victory without my team mates."

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