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Team Sunweb are delighted to announce the extension of contracts with Nikias Arndt and Max Walscheid. Arndt is currently in contract until the end of 2017 and extends with the team for three more years. Walscheid is also in contract until the end of 2017 and extends for an additional two years until the end of 2019.

Having already been with the team since 2013, Arndt is one of the team's core members and has developed into a versatile sprinter and world class lead-out specialist. He has shown his ability to succeed in various race circumstances; from a win at the Cadel Evans Great Ocean road race or a Giro d'Italia stage victory to playing a key role within Team Sunweb's lead-out train at the Tour de France and a second place of his own at stage 19, Arndt continues to excel. Another prominent German up and coming sprinter, Walscheid joined the team as a stagiaire in 2015 and turned pro in 2016. The 24-year-old Walscheid took an impressive five stage wins at the Tour of Hainan and got runner-up at the German road championships last year. This season Walscheid has had his share in the successes of Team Sunweb with a second place at Hammer Series. His strength and explosive power on the bike have been paramount to various team triumphs and he continues to develop year-by-year.

"I'm really looking forward to the next three years with the team," explained Arndt. "It's been the perfect environment for me to develop in over the past five years and I feel like I still have so much further to go. The team spirit is great and it's brilliant to ride with so many fellow German talents. The development of us riders is central and the support system is brilliant, making it an easy decision for me to make."

Walscheid said: "After a tough few years with some ups and downs I am looking forward to being able to show my full potential. I've really enjoyed my time with the team so far both on and off the bike and feel like I have already made huge progress. I want to continue with this momentum and I am sure that Team Sunweb is the best place for me to be able to do this."

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