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Coryn Rivera (USA) finished off Team Sunweb's hard work at the OVO Energy Women's Tour's second stage today, securing the stage victory as well as taking over the race lead.

Rivera said: "It was a super hard day on the road here. It was a more challenging stage with some climbs and a lot of wind which meant some extra resistance. The girls were really strong and communicated well through the whole stage. A lot can happen in this kind of final but we had all of the girls there in the last lap and we did a great lead out until the final climb. Floortje had a monster pull to pace me in the right way and I was able to be in the front group over the top. Ellen kept it strung out until the finish and I was able to sprint really well in the end."

Team Sunweb coach Hans Timmermans (NED) added: "We stayed cool as the late break went clear and after they were brought back we still had four riders in the leading group. In the final the girls positioned Coryn super good and when the front group went clear, Ellen could follow. Coryn bridged across on the final climb with two and a half to go and from there it was full gas towards the finish line to gain some time. There are still three days to go so we will race smart and not spend too much energy on defending, but it's a great confidence boost to take the win today."

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