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Team Sunweb's Ellen van Dijk (NED) is the new Dutch time trial champion, finishing the 25.8 kilometre course with the fastest time of 33 minutes and 15 seconds. Lucinda Brand (NED) and Floortje Mackaij (NED) also put in strong rides, finishing 3rd and 6th respectively. 

Ellen said: “I’m super happy to finally take the Dutch title again. I was very close for the last couple of years, but it’s been five years since I last took it. The competition in the Netherlands is super high and a podium at the Nationals can be the same as a podium at the Worlds as well. That’s why this title means a lot to me. The course suited me well with long straights and I had great coaching from the car and in the last 3 kilometres my boyfriend shouted me to the line which made it really special. It was great to stand on the podium together with Lucinda, and also Floortje had a very good time trial. It shows how advanced this discipline is within the team and how high our level is at the moment.”

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