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After a strong solo ride to the finish, Team Sunweb's Floortje Mackaij has today secured the victory at Omloop van de Westhoek. 

After the race Floortje said: "I'm really happy with the win today. On the local laps there was a cobbled section with a climb and I saw that every lap the bunch would break here, and then come back together. On the last lap I went full gas on the cobbled climb and I ended up away with three others but then I knew that I needed to give it my all to get away. My legs were burning but I kept going and in the end I could make it to the line to take the win."

Team Sunweb coach Hans Timmermans added: "Her win today, and other strong performances in races throughout this past week are confirming that Floortje is in top shape. To ride a solo like this when you are one of the pre-race favourites is incredible and really shows how strong she is at this point in the season. It is a great win and a good boost for morale for the upcoming races."

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