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Team Sunweb's Leah Kirchmann (CAN) has today secured the Canadian national time trial title, taking gold with a time of 36 minutes and 12 seconds. 

Kirchmann: "I'm really happy with my first victory of the season! I felt strong at the Women's Tour, but I didn't know how I would recover from the race and travel over from Europe. This was also my first time trial of the season, so I didn't know what to expect but I prepared well in training. I was able to find a good rhythm and paced the race well to finish strong. I'm looking forward to the rest of the races here at nationals and to wearing the jersey for the upcoming year."

Team Sunweb coach Hans Timmermans (NED): "Leah showed whilst racing in Great Britain last week that she is in good form and she once again confirms this with an impressive national time trial title. This is not easy in a country like Canada with lots of tough competition so it's great to see Leah's hard work rewarded with the national title.”

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