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During the early kilometres of stage 19 of the Giro d'Italia, Team Sunweb's Louis Vervaeke (BEL) was forced to climb off the bike after feeling fatigued as a result of tough racing and a cold sustained during the race. 

Vervaeke said: "I've been suffering with a cold for the past few days at the Giro. I had a bad night's sleep last night and really fought this morning to make it through. I really wanted to play an important role for the team today and I'm disappointed that I didn't have the power to continue anymore."

Team Sunweb physician Stephen Jacolino (NED) said: "Louis has had a tough few days with a cold and hasn't been feeling 100 percent. After a bad nights sleep we wanted to see how he would get on during the stage today, but it soon became evident that he wasn't fit enough to continue. After a few days rest and recovery he can get back on the
bike and resume training."

Team Sunweb wishes Louis a speedy recovery and thanks him for his efforts at the Giro d'Italia. 

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