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After leading the race from start to finish, Team Sunweb's Lucinda Brand (NED) soloed to secure the Dutch national cyclo-cross champion title racing in Surhuisterveen, the Netherlands today. 

The newly crowned Dutch champion said: "I had expected a little bit more of a battle but I had a really good feeling from the start. I could directly take a gap and keep going to make it a little bit bigger throughout the race which gave me a lot of confidence that I could bring the title home. I'm super happy with the win and I'm looking forward to enjoying the victory."

Team Sunweb coach Herman Snoeijink (NED) said: "Lucinda had a really explosive start. She went for it to create a gap, which she did immediately. On the first lap she crashed in the mud into a post but had already taken enough of a lead to be able to get back on the bike and still be racing in first place. She continued to lead to through to the finish and she crossed the line solo taking the win. It was a phenomenal ride from Lucinda."

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