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Team Sunweb have taken a clean sweep at the men's elite Dutch national championships as Ramon Sinkeldam sprinted to victory in the road race today.

Team Sunweb executed their plan perfectly to secure another national title at the Dutch championships, their third title during their 2017 national championship campaign. As an initial breakaway went clear, Team Sunweb sent Albert Timmer and Tom Stamsnijder out into the leading group to keep an eye on proceedings at the head of the race. As the early break rejoined the peloton, counter attacks were launched with both Tom Dumoulin and Sam Oomen involved. The race came back together on the approach to the finale and Team Sunweb were still there with a strong team to place Sinkeldam in prime position for the sprint. After a flawless lead-out, Sinkeldam was able to finish off a successful day of well played tactics to sprint to the victory in a photo finish finale. 

After the victory Sinkeldam said: "This is an amazing victory for me and the team. The guys did an amazing job throughout the whole day and executed our plan to perfection. I was able to stay fresh for the finish and could finish off the team's hard work to take the win. It's amazing to have the support of the staff and team to be able to sprint to the win today, I am speechless."

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