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As the breakaway survived at Tour de Suisse stage six today, Søren Kragh Andersen (DEN) remained in the mix to attack in the final kilometres and solo to the stage six victory. 

Andersen said: "Today was a really special day and I'm super happy with the win. To pay back my team for giving me the chance is a really nice feeling. Our coach from the car told me to do my thing and trust my instinct and when the last attack went I decided to go for it. This win is a relief, it was a really long sprint for me and I managed to stay in front. I've had a lot of opportunities in the past but it never really worked out so I'm super happy that I've finally taken a WorldTour win here."

Team Sunweb coach Marc Reef (NED) added: "Today was a super hard day with the finish after a two kilometre climb. We wanted to be in the break if a large group went, and we managed to get Søren in there, who survived as the group became more select. In the final it turned out that the bunch weren't going to come back and we had enough guys with Wilco, so we decided to go full for it with Søren. Towards the final kilometres the gap went down and Søren attacked to take a fantastic first WorldTour victory."

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