Surfrider Foundation Europe

Newsletter 158 

Your monthly newsletter on ocean protection and conservation

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Beach tour challenge best of : a selection of eco-actions you can do during your holidays

Beach Tour

The month of July 2017 was marked by the organization of the Beach Tour in France. From Cannes to Arcachon, a team of Surfrider went to meet the holiday makers to make them aware of 5 eco-friendly actions! The event was also happening on social networks with #OceanDetox! Let’s look back on this new mission of the oceans and coastline’s protection.

Keepers of the coast : 3 battles to follow closely

Keepers of the Coast

With the Keepers of the Coast program, citizens are concretely committing to ocean and coastal conservation. Surfrider frequently gives you the opportunity to focus on current Keepers of the Coast battles. From Dollemard to Biarritz, including Capbreton, overview of battles which require Surfrider’s attention regarding environmental risks and conflicts of use.



Ocean Initiative in Gironde, France

Tournée des plages Gironde Surfrider

The Surfrider Gironde Chapter organizes every summer a beach tour to raise public awareness on the marine litter problem.

To end up this tour, the Surfrider team was on the central beach in Porge the 21st of August. They set up an awareness stand and with educational games, including an Ocean Initiative with contests and rewards for children.


Surfrider at the Lollapalooza festival in Paris


The Surfrider Paris Chapter was at the Lollapalooza festival the 22nd and 23rd of July 2017.

Organized at the Racecourse in Paris, the festival hosted environmental protection associations in an exclusive space called the "Lolla Planet". Surfrider was present to hold an awareness stand around marine litters and the Ban the bag campaign against plastic bags.

Shop Surfrider

With the lyrics from one of his latest songs, The Sun Does Shine, Peter Harper re-designed the Surfrider logo, giving birth to a militant design in line with our values. In addition to that, with every purchase of this t-shirt the singer offers you his song The Sun Does Shine!

Purchasing this t-shirt, you show your support to Surfrider Foundation Europe and help us finance our campaigns for the protection of the oceans.

Peter Harper T-shirt




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