International network for contemporary performing arts


New IETM Publication on Arts Funding 

IETM Focus Brussels 2022
Arts & Disability: Final Time to Act Report
Policy Statement on the Status of Artists
Perform Europe Selected Projects
SHIFT Letter of Intent on Climate Action

Members' News

New IETM publication: Ideas and strategies for inclusive, fair and flexible arts funding
Amidst the crisis, simply “more money” for the arts is no longer enough. Our new IETM publication Supporting Relevance: Ideas and strategies for inclusive, fair and flexible arts funding unpacks the notions of inclusive, fair and flexible funding, describes the tensions that may occur when designing such funding programmes and schemes, and brings inspiration from a few case studies. It also offers a set of recommendations for funders on how to support the arts in the most relevant way.
Download or listen to the full publication ➔


IETM Focus Brussels 2022: Save the date!
 7-8 April 2022   Brussels, Belgium

The IETM Focus is a new meeting format which will offer a transnational setting for networking, and innovative space for reflection, debate and brainstorm. Following on from our highly successful Rewiring the Network project, IETM Focus will serve as a thorough engagement exercise and a place for designing collective strategies and setting common goals. The first IETM Focus will happen in Brussels, Belgium, on 7-8 April 2022, around the theme Inclusion, Equality and Fairness. More information will be provided soon, but you can already save the date!

Arts & Disability: Final “Time to Act” Report
What barriers do disabled people experience when accessing the arts? Authored by On The Move and commissioned by the British Council in the context of Europe Beyond Access, the final Time to Act research report provides the first transnational evidence that lack of knowledge in the mainstream cultural sector is a key barrier preventing disabled artists and arts professionals participating equally in European culture. This ground-breaking study spans 42 countries and includes a wide range of statistics and quotes from in-depth interviews.
Download the full report 

Policy statement: EU action towards a sustainable and fair situation of artists and cultural professionals 
We warmly welcome the CULT Committee’s Report on the Situation of Artists and the Cultural Recovery in the EU voted on by the European Parliament on 20 October 2021. We believe policy-makers must urgently put in place concrete and effective policy tools to protect and support the people working in culture and the arts. 
Read and share our full statement ➔


Perform Europe: Discover the 19 projects selected by the Jury
19 ambitious projects, involving over 90 partners and more than 250 physical and digital presentations have been selected by the 11 members of the Perform Europe Jury. Aimed to test innovative, more inclusive and sustainable performing arts touring and distribution models, these strong artistic projects, come from all disciplines of the performing arts, and from most Creative Europe countries and the UK. 

Dive into the Perform Europe Catalogue to learn more about the selected projects!
Check out the selected projects

SHIFT: Our joint Letter of Intent on Climate Action
The letter of intent on Climate Action that we signed with our SHIFT partners describes the goal of our networks to develop and implement environmental guidelines and a certification scheme for cultural networks. We recognise the ecological footprint associated with operating a cultural network, and are all committed to minimising this footprint, optimising environmentally sustainable practices, and acting as an example of good practice for our members and other networks, while also recognising the different contexts in which we evolve.
Read the full letter ➔


Island Connect Residency Opportunities
Island Connect is a collaborative programme between five performing arts organisations, working with residencies located on (or associated with) European islands of different countries. The call for their 2022 residencies is open for groups of up to 3 performing artists based in Denmark, Ireland, Croatia, Greece, The Balearic Island/Spain. Apply by 20 December.
Learn more and apply now ➔
Walk the Plank is hiring!
Walk the Plank is hiring a Sustainability Manager for their project "Green Space Dark Skies". They will be responsible for the effective implementation of the GSDS Sustainability Strategy, ensuring effective planning and management of the UK-wide monitoring and reporting activity. Application deadline: 20 December.
Learn more and apply now 
Sonica Glasgow returns in March 2022
Sonica Glasgow returns in March 2022 and the Cryptic team is pleased to announce their first artists! 
Learn more 
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