DARWIN200: SAILING THE FIRST LEGS The DARWIN200 Global Voyage will begin in Plymouth, on August 14th. The Darwin Team has been strengthened and is working around the clock to shape all scientific programs together with local NGOs. The selection process of the Darwin Leaders is also in full swing, and the PR Team is busy bringing the global voyage to the attention of the international media. At the shipping company, we focus on contacts with all ports that we will visit. There are not many berths left, but we would like to welcome you on board on the first two legs, to help the 'Oosterschelde' with a kick-start in the almost two-year world tour! Leg 1: Plymouth - Tenerife Date: 14 - 26 August 2023 Price: €3250,- Leg 2: Tenerife - Cape Verde Date: 3 - 11 September 2023 Price: €2340,- |