Term 2Week 8 - Book Week Thursday 20th June - Book Week Dress Up Day / Hot Chocolate
Friday 21st June - Haka Tū Haka Ora Competition
Friday 21st June - Last day for Parent Survey
Friday 21st June - Pod 1 Assembly - 2.15pm - Hall
Week 9 Tuesday 25th June - Parent Deep Dive - as part of our mid year reporting process
Wednesday 26th June - Pod 2 Matariki Celebration, 4.30pm Pod 2 parents welcome
Thursday 27th June - Upper Clutha Cross Country
Thursday 27th June - Students' reports available on Edge Portal
Friday 28th June - Matariki Day -
SCHOOL CLOSEDWeek 10 Monday 1st July - Parent Teacher Conferences 3.15pm - 5.00pm
Tuesday 2nd July - Parent Teacher Conferences 3.15pm - 5.00pm
Tuesday 2nd July - Mata-au Kapa Haka Festival (UC schools)
Wednesday 3rd July - Mufti Day for winning Tribe only
Thursday 4th July - COPSSA Cross Country
Friday 5th July - Red Nose Day
Friday 5th July - Last day of term 2
Term 3
Week 1 Monday 22nd July - First day of term 3
Week 2 Tuesday 30th July - WPS Swim Sports
Friday 2nd August - Pod 7 Assembly 2.15pm - Hall
Week 3 Monday 5th August - UC Swim Sports
Tuesday 6th August - Music Festival Practice - Lake Wānaka Centre 9am-3pm
Wednesday 7th August - Music Festival Practice - Lake Wānaka Centre 9am-3pm
Wednesday 7th August - Music Festival first performance 6.30pm-8pm at LWC
Thursday 8th August - Music Festival second performance 6.30pm-8pm at LWC
Week 4
Pod trials for Wanna Be A Star - all week Monday 12th August - Central Otago Chess Tournament - Queenstown
Monday 12th August - Board of Trustees Meeting - 5pm - Staffroom
Thursday 15th August - EOTC/SNOW Programme - Day 1
Friday 16th August - Pod 6 Assembly 2.15pm - Hall
Week 5
Pod trials for Wanna Be A Star - all week Thursday 22nd August - EOTC/SNOW Programme - Day 2
Friday 23rd August - Tribe Afternoon
Week 6 Thursday 29th August - EOTC/SNOW Programme - Day 3
Friday 30th August - PTA Father's Day Breakfast
Friday 30th August - Wanna Be A Star Finals
Friday 30th August - Pod 4 Assembly 2.00pm - Hall
Parent Conferences
Parent Conferences are Monday 1st July and Tuesday 2nd July 3:15 - 5.00pm. Bookings are live on the
School Interviews website now. The code for bookings is -
96pwn. If you need help booking a conference please contact the office 443 7687.
Maths Challenge Sponsorship Money
Please bring your maths challenge sponsorship money to the office as soon as possible. These funds are being used to update our maths resources in line with the NZ maths curriculum expectations. Thank you for your support.
Leaving Wānaka Primary School?
If you and your family are leaving Wānaka Primary School at the end of this term and you have not yet notified our office, can you please do so as soon as possible. Thank you.
Tribe T-Shirts
Tribe T-shirts are available to collect from the office for those that ordered them.