Wānaka Primary School Newsletter for Term 2  Week 9
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Newsletter Term 2  Week 9
25th June 2024



Term 2
Week 9
Wednesday 26th June - Pod 2 Matariki Celebration, 4.30pm Pod 2 parents welcome
Thursday 27th June - Upper Clutha Cross Country
Thursday 27th June - Students' reports available on Edge Portal
Friday 28th June - Matariki Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
Week 10
Monday 1st July - Parent Teacher Conferences 3.15pm - 5.00pm
Tuesday 2nd July - Parent Teacher Conferences 3.15pm - 5.00pm
Tuesday 2nd July - Mata-au Kapa Haka Festival (UC schools)
Wednesday 3rd July - Mufti Day for Mohua Tribe only
Thursday 4th July - COPSSA Cross Country
Friday 5th July - Red Nose Day
Friday 5th July - Last day of term 2
Term 3
Week 1

Dance Curriculum programme all week
Monday 22nd July - First day of term 3
Week 2
Dance Curriculum programme all week
Tuesday 30th July - WPS Swim Sports
Friday 2nd August - Dance Curriculum Performances
Week 3
Monday 5th August - UC Swim Sports
Tuesday 6th August - Music Festival Practice - Lake Wānaka Centre 9am-3pm
Wednesday 7th August - Music Festival Practice - Lake Wānaka Centre 9am-3pm
Wednesday 7th August - Music Festival first performance 6.30pm-8pm at LWC
Thursday 8th August - Music Festival second performance 6.30pm-8pm at LWC
Week 4
Pod trials for Wanna Be A Star - all week

Monday 12th August - Central Otago Chess Tournament - Queenstown
Monday 12th August - Board of Trustees Meeting - 5pm - Staffroom
Wednesday 14th August - ESOL Dance Performance and lunch - 12.00 - 1.30pm
Thursday 15th August - EOTC/SNOW Programme - Day 1
Friday 16th August - Pod 6 Assembly 2.15pm - Hall
Week 5
Pod trials for Wanna Be A Star - all week

Thursday 22nd August - EOTC/SNOW Programme - Day 2
Friday 23rd August - Tribe Afternoon
Week 6
Thursday 29th August - EOTC/SNOW Programme - Day 3
Friday 30th August - PTA Father's Day Breakfast
Friday 30th August - Wanna Be A Star Finals
Friday 30th August - Pod 4 Assembly 2.00pm - Hall



Leaving Wānaka Primary School? 

If you and your family are leaving Wānaka Primary School at the end of this term and you have not yet notified our office, can you please do so as soon as possible.  Thank you.

Winning Tribe Mufti Day

Mohua tribe collected the most tokens this term!  Congratulations!
They have a Mufti day on Wednesday 3rd July in week 10.

Second Hand Book Sale

Second hand book sale is outside the office for the next couple of weeks, so come and get a bargain. Still plenty of books to be had.

Winter Clothes Swap

Our Winter Clothes Swap event is open next Monday and Tuesday from 3:00pm until 5:30pm.  If you would like to drop off items before then, there will be a chance to do this from 8:30am to 3:30pm this Thursday 27th June.

Tables will be set out in the room to the right of the hall front entrance, and labelled with age ranges.  Please place all items neatly on the tables.  See the flyer below for more details. 

Tribe T-Shirts

Tribe T-shirts are available to collect from the office for those that ordered them.

Reporting to Parents

This is a 3-way process:
  1. Student Led Conferences (Parent Deep Dives happening today)
  2. Written Report (see below)
  3. Parent/Teacher Meetings next week
This week our student reporting has begun.  Today (Tuesday) we have started with our student-led conferences (Deep Dive), this will be followed by written reports later in the week.  Students who have not had a full 2 terms at Wānaka Primary School will not receive a written report.

Reports will be emailed to parents and they will also be uploaded to the Caregiver Portal on Edge.  For details on the Caregiver Portal please look at our school website link under communication.  If you are having trouble logging in please email Jason - jasonc@wanaka.school.nz.

If you have any queries about your child's report please email your class teacher next week.
Parent Conferences are Monday 1st July and Tuesday 2nd July 3:15 - 5.00pm.  Bookings are live on the School Interviews website until 3pm this Friday.  Get in quick as bookings are filling up fast.  If you need help booking a conference please contact the office 443 7687.

Children with Allergies

We have several children enrolled at Wānaka Primary School who have potentially life-threatening allergies to both eggs and all nuts.  Whilst the children are aware of the need not to share any food or drink  - and all staff are informed of their medical condition – it would be helpful if all parents could consider not sending food to school with their children which contain egg or peanut butter fillings or nuts of any kind. 

This is a request for your support and understanding to help us minimise the likelihood of an adverse reaction for some of our more vulnerable children.
Thank you.


As happens annually, with the Board, the MInistry of Education plan to review school rolls, zoning and the enrolment scheme.  They will be initiating this review at the beginning of Term 3, so keep an eye open for communication about this, as the Ministry will be seeking community input.

Brendan Hearle
Board Chair

Senior Kapa Haka News

The Haka Tu Haka Ora Competition

We were so proud of the 33 Year 5 & 6 children who took part in the Queenstown Haka Tu Haka Ora competition last Friday.  They sang the original (thanks Mary Anne and Raihania) waiata like angels and their actions were precise and beautiful to watch.  Considering they were competing alongside Year 7 and 8 students we had every right to be amazed and very proud of their performance.  Thanks to our Kapa haka children and Anne for all your hard work, it paid off - I got goosebumps watching you.  Many thanks to the teachers and parents who transported and supervised our group for the day.


Matariki begins this week and once again our amazing senior Kapa haka group has been asked to perform at the Matariki Festival on Friday the 28th June, organised by Kahu Youth.  We have been asked to perform at 3:15pm at the Dinosaur Park.  The Kapa haka group will meet there at 2:45pm.  Come down and support us as we sing our Matariki and school songs.

Parent Deep Dives

As usual our parent Deep Dives this afternoon were well supported.  The children loved presenting their learning, progress and achievements to their parents/family.  Remember that written reports will be sent to you on Thursday and parent/teacher conferences are being held next Monday and Tuesday.  Please book in for these if you want to follow up on the Deep Dive or written report.

The Dance Curriculum programme is coming again

-  the first 2 weeks of term 3

We are all looking forward to the Dance Curriculum team arriving at the beginning of next term.  Each pod will learn two dances and we come together for a final performance to showcase our dances.  Ezra is our lead dancer this year.  This performance day for parents will be on Friday 2nd July.

Music Festival

We have 40 Year 5 & 6 students in our Sing Squad who will be taking part in the Music Festival in Term 3.  We urge all children to go onto Google Classroom to learn the lyrics and master the tunes of the massed choir songs, especially over the holidays.  Some members of the band will also be involved in the Music Festival, as will our junior choir, led by Megan.  Names of these children taking part, will be confirmed Week 1 of Term 3 (they need to know their words etc. before the final pick is done), and we will send home a notice to each child confirming this early next term.

The Upper Clutha Primary Schools' Music Festival's evening performances are at the Lake Wānaka Centre on Wednesday 7th August and Thursday 8th August 6.30 - 8.00pm.  Tickets will be sold online this year and there will be more information about this early next term.

Other Bits and Pieces

  • WELL DONE Mōhua Tribe for being the winning Tribe this term.  I look forward to seeing all the children in this tribe arriving at school in mufti on Wednesday 3rd July.
  • Red Nose Day is on Friday 5th July.  Come dressed in red and/or a 'creative red nose'.  Please send a gold coin donation to make a difference in the lives of children by helping Cure Kids raise funds for child health research.

School Camps 2024 - Term 4


Further information will be sent out during term 3. 

Payment details:

Online to Wānaka Primary School Account No:  02-0673-0023784-001
Eftpos / cash at the office

If there are challenges that would make payment for camps difficult,
please come in and see, ring or email Wendy or Lucy as soon as possible.

Payment can be made in instalments.

Book Week 2024 - What a huge success!

Thanks to all the teachers that read to a different class each day after morning tea. The children loved it.

What a huge success the dress up parade was on Thursday.  Great vibes and such a great effort by the children, they loved it so much!  The hot chocolate finished it off nicely, thanks to our wonderful PTA.

The Great Kiwi Circus

The Great Kiwi Circus is bringing the magic of a live circus show to regional towns
and cities across New Zealand.

The Great Kiwi Circus is a fun packed 90-minute circus show to suit children with
additional needs and their families, as well as children and families in the community
who have experienced a tough time.  The show will be grounded by a fantastically
funny Ringmaster.  The team endeavour to present the children and caregivers with
different types of circus acts that change each year to keep it fresh and current.

This show will be held at The Lake Wānaka Centre on Wednesday 21st August at
6pm.  We have an allocation of tickets. If you you would like a ticket for your
child/ren and a caregiver, please email our SENCO, Leah at senco@wanaka.school.nz

Wānaka Primary School Tech Sale


Netball South Netball Competition in Alexandra Last Week

2024 Wānaka Primary Snow Sports - Term 3

The snow sports programme for 2024 is live.  All information about this programme, including links to enrol, is on our school website at the link below.  Please look carefully at the dates for booking, and information about the programme.  Any queries to Jasonc@wanaka.school.nz

Positive Behaviour For Learning - PB4L

PB4L School-Wide looks at behaviour and learning from a whole-of-school as well as an individual child perspective.  The framework is based on international evidence and is helping New Zealand schools build a culture where positive behaviour and learning is a way of life.

Each fortnight we focus on a school wide goal to encourage positive behaviours.  The current goal is:  'We take care of our school and use spaces and equipment for their purpose'.


Winter Clothes Swap

WPS Honey


Library News

 Click the image below to view our wonderful Library Webapp.


Feel free to email Melissa at any time if you have any questions.

Digital and Audio Resources

Borrow box is an amazing resource which you can have free access to for digital reading and audio resources for your children.  Click on the image below to look at the amazing range.  You need a QLDC library membership (which is free) to borrow. 



BookHub is an relatively new NZ based website where you can search for books you want to buy online from NZ based booksellers rather than from overseas sites.

Obviously I support local booksellers as well but if you are an online shopper I fully support supporting NZ businesses before the likes of Amazon who charge exorbitant shipping fees.  Click on the icon or this link : https://bookhub.co.nz/


Quote of the Week


Head Lice Are Back

Head lice are (an unwelcome) part of life, and are easily spread between people, particularly children. The key to managing head lice is early detection: look through your child’s hair on a regular basis – nominate a certain night of the week so it becomes routine.
  • Use your fingers or a head lice comb, and look for little brown insects on the scalp. The eggs are almost invisible before they hatch, so by the time you spot the little white eggs on the hair shaft they are already hatched.
  • Do not treat your child unless you see live lice.
  • The best treatment is thorough combing with a head lice comb and lots of conditioner in the hair. This should be done every 2nd day for 10 days.
  • If you choose to use a head lice shampoo, you should still do the wet combing as described above. Shampoos do not kill eggs, and do not always kill all the live lice.
  • Do not use animal products on your child’s scalp. They are harmful to humans.
  • Tying hair up, especially long hair, is beneficial when trying to avoid catching headlice or spreading it.

Aspiring Young Musicians - Drama and Music Lessons

After School Care


Local School Child Season Passes

Matariki Story Telling Event

Matariki Celebrations

Refillery Workshop at Freshlink

Parent Support - Neurodiversity Learning


Kids Club July Holidays

ILT Kidzone Festival

Delicious, nutritious and popular with kids, Subway delivers school lunches every Friday.  Order online at subwayexpress.co.nz by 9am.
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