Wānaka Primary School Newsletter for Term 3 Week 1
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Newsletter Term 3  Week 1
23rd July 2024



Term 3
Week 2
Tuesday 30th July - WPS Swim Sports
Friday 2nd August - Dance Performances 9.15am and 2pm
Week 3
Monday 5th August - UC Swim Sports
Tuesday 6th August - Music Festival Practice - Lake Wānaka Centre 9am-3pm
Wednesday 7th August - Music Festival Practice - Lake Wānaka Centre 9am-3pm
Wednesday 7th August - Music Festival first performance 6.30pm-8pm at LWC
Thursday 8th August - Music Festival second performance 6.30pm-8pm at LWC
Friday 9th August - Pod 7 Assembly 2.15pm
Week 4
Pod trials for Wana-Be-A-Star - all week

Monday 12th August - Central Otago Chess Tournament - Queenstown
Monday 12th August - Board of Trustees Meeting - 5pm - Staffroom
Thursday 15th August - EOTC/SNOW Programme - Day 1
Friday 16th August - Pod 6 Assembly 2.15pm - Hall
Week 5
Pod trials for Wana-Be-A-Star - all week

Thursday 22nd August - EOTC/SNOW Programme - Day 2
Friday 23rd August - Tribe Afternoon
Week 6
Thursday 29th August - EOTC/SNOW Programme - Day 3
Friday 30th August - PTA Father's Day Breakfast
Friday 30th August - Wana-Be-A-Star Finals
Friday 30th August - Pod 4 Assembly 2.00pm - Hall
Week 7
Thursday 5th September - EOTC/SNOW Programme - Day 4
Friday 6th September - Teacher Only Day - School Closed
Week 8
Monday 9th September - Board of Trustees Meeting - 5pm - Staffroom
Thursday 12th September - EOTC/SNOW Programme - Day 5
Week 9
POD 3 Swim Week - all week
Thursday 12th September - EOTC/SNOW Programme - Postponement day
Week 10
POD 4 Swim Week - all week



Message for school community from Ministry of Education

The Ministry has just opened consultation about a proposed amendment to the enrolment schemes for Wānaka Primary School and Te Kura o Take Kārara.  An enrolment scheme is a tool for a school board to manage its roll through creating a home zone and fair and transparent processes for enrolling any children living outside the area. 
We want to hear and understand community views before making any decisions about where the enrolment scheme home zone area will be.  This will include consultation with the Wānaka Primary School and Te Kura o Take Kārara Boards, other schools in the area, parents and whānau from school communities, and people who live in the area.
Students already enrolled at Wānaka Primary School and Te Kura o Take Kārara will not be affected by the amended enrolment schemes.  It is intended that the amended enrolment schemes will be in place for Term 1, 2025 enrolments.
All information can be found at https://www.education.govt.nz/our-work/consultations/open-

This includes
  • Information about each what is proposed
  • A consultation feedback survey
  • Information about enrolment schemes and background demographic information about why a scheme is needed
There will also be some paper copies in the Wānaka Primary School and Te Kura o Take Kārara School Offices.
If you have questions you can email these to otagosouthland.enrolmentschemes@education.govt.nz.
It’s important that you understand what is proposed and how this will work, so we encourage all
families to check out the consultation website.  Consultation will run until 4 August 2024.

Social media channels:
Consultation about an amendment to the enrolment scheme for Wānaka Primary School and Te Kura O Take Kārara is now open.  Check out the Ministry of Education’s consultation site here for further information and make sure you have your say.

Scholastic NZ Brochure 

The latest Scholastic NZ Brochure is available from classrooms.  If you wish to place an order, please follow the instructions on the inside back cover using Option 1 – Credit Card / LOOP.  No cash / orders are accepted at school. 

If your order is a gift, please tick the ‘GIFT’ option, otherwise all orders are handed out to the children. 

Orders will close at 9.00am on Wednesday 7 August 2024.

Welcome back to Term 3 everyone. Along with 31 new enrolments (new entrants and new arrivals) this morning, we welcomed blue skies and the sun, after what has seemed like endless fog.  It was great to see everyone's smiling faces as they arrived back to greet term 3 at Wānaka Primary School.

WHAT'S UP in the next few weeks?


Yay - it's our annual Dance programme

The hall is already resounding with happy music as Ezra from the Dance Curriculum Dance Company has kick started our 2 week dance programme.  He has chosen great music and already every pod has started learning the dance moves. Don't forget that the dance performance for each pod is scheduled for next Friday 2nd August, so mark that in your diary. We have tried for first thing and last thing so parents can tie their viewing into either morning drop off or afternoon pick up (or both for those with children in different pods...sorry!).
DANCE PERFORMANCE TIMES FOR FRIDAY 2nd AUGUST - all parents and of course grandparents etc invited! 
9.15am - 10.15 am:  Pods 1, 3, 7   
2pm - 3pm:  Pods 2, 4, 6

Wānaka Primary School Swimming Sports

This swim sports event is for our senior school is being held on Tuesday 30th July (which is next week!) and the Upper Clutha Swimming event is Monday 5th August.  

School Uniform

A reminder that we like to see all children in the correct uniform every day.  Please ensure that if your child 'refuses' to wear a sweatshirt or jacket to school (as they seem to like doing) that they bring one in their bag as children will not be outside doing PE or sports if they are not in warm winter attire. Check that all of your child's clothing items are named. Also just so you know we expect beanies to not be worn inside the classroom - these are for outside only. 


We have a number of students with severe allergies to nuts and eggs. 
Please save these items for at home consumption and leave them out of your child's lunch box. For some children these allergies can cause chronic reactions and be life threatening.

Bike Stands

As the weather improves over this term we hope to see our children opting for active transport to school once again.  A reminder that only Pods 6 and 7 use the bike stands by the tennis courts.  All other pods are asked to store their bikes in the stands over behind Pod 5.

Upper Clutha Music Festival

The Upper Clutha Primary Schools Music Festival is being staged on Wednesday 7th August and Thursday 8th August starting at 6.30pm with an 8pm finish. We have approximately 40 Year 5 and 6 students from our Sing Squad taking part in the massed choir, as well as around 30 Year 2 children (Megan's Choir) performing.
Also yet to be finalised, we have some of our WPS band members involved as part of the Upper Clutha Primary Schools Band backing some of our massed choir items.

Tomorrow the Year 5 and 6's involved in the massed choir are heading to a combined school choir practice at Take Kārara, if your child is part of this group and wants to be dropped off by you in the morning to Take Kārara (no later than 9.15am) please let the school office know before 8.30am. The other students will be transported via our mini vans and all children will be brought back by mini van.

Tickets will be available shortly for the Upper Clutha Music festival, these will be for sale online, we will email you when they are available.


Wana-Be-A-Star is back!  This is a fabulous opportunity for students to share their performing talents through magic acts, singing, instrument playing, dancing, mime, puppet shows... or you could surprise us!  Items can be performed individually or in pairs, or groups.

Pod auditions will be held during Week 4 of Term 3, with finalists chosen to perform their item in the grand final on August 30th.

Students are asked to prepare their item at home and may need some support with costumes, props and selecting age-appropriate music etc.

Students can collect entry forms from school reception.

We can't wait to see their amazing talents on stage!

Father's Day Breakfast

Come along to a delicious breakfast and while you are there buy Dad the chance to win the Ultimate Fathers Day present from our raffle!

Raffle Prizes feature - 
One Day Meat Hunt with Glen Dene Hunting and Fishing valued at $1050
Wild Wire voucher valued at $100
2 x Adult Mountain Carting session with Cardrona Alpine Resort
Homestead Bay Horse Trekking with Wanaka Horse Trekking


School Camps 2024 - Terms 4


Further information will be sent out during term 3. 

Payment details:

Online to Wānaka Primary School Account No:  02-0673-0023784-001
Eftpos / cash at the office

If there are challenges that would make payment for camps difficult,
please come in and see, ring or email Wendy or Lucy as soon as possible.

Payment can be made in instalments.


WPS Senior Swimming Sports - Tuesday 30th July

This year, the event is open to year 5 & 6 students as a qualifying event for the Upper Clutha event being held on the Monday of the following week.  Students who have entered will bring home a letter about the event on Wednesday. If you have any questions not covered in the letter, please contact kathn@wanaka.school.nz or charlottel@wanaka.school.nz

Central Otago Cross Country

Congratulations to all our amazing runners for their gutsy efforts, taking on and conquering the challenges of frost, fog and rugged terrain, which included the infamous heartbreak hill.

Ally Moir and Jacob Heathorn ran fantastic races to retain their Central Otago titles winning the year six girls' and boys' races, and Maia Milburn made an incredible effort to claim third in the girls year five race.

Thank you very much to all the parents who helped with transport and marshalling on the course.

2024 Wānaka Primary Snow Sports and EOTC

Registration for Wānaka Primary Snow Sports closes on Friday 26 July. THIS WEEK!
Enrol here: 2024 Snow Sports LINK
You will receive a confirmation email from Jason tomorrow regarding enrolments.

The School Based Programme will consist of 5 rotations (TBC)
  • Enviro Projects
  • Digi Tech Challenge
  • EPro8 Challenge
  • Art Projects
  • Maker Space Projects

Positive Behaviour For Learning - PB4L

PB4L School-Wide looks at behaviour and learning from a whole-of-school as well as an individual child perspective.  The framework is based on international evidence and is helping New Zealand schools build a culture where positive behaviour and learning is a way of life.

Each fortnight we focus on a school wide goal to encourage positive behaviours.  The current goal is:  'We listen to each other and follow instructions'


Enviro Schools

The rejuvenations of the gardens alongside the 'Pools to Schools' pathway is well under way.

Our thanks to Gavin Tippet for removing wilding pines and tidying up the site ready to replant with natives. Thanks also to Mount Aspiring College for the use of their mulcher. 

The school has been given some money to buy plants, along with the plants we receive through the Paper for Trees scheme, and with the support of Te Kakano we will be getting into replanting the garden.

If you or your child would like to be involved in replanting and mulching this area, 
please get in touch by emailing me debbiek@wanaka.school.nz


WPS Honey

250g $8.00 - available at the office

Library News

 Click the image below to view our wonderful Library Webapp.


Feel free to email Melissa at any time if you have any questions.

Digital and Audio Resources

Borrow box is an amazing resource which you can have free access to for digital reading and audio resources for your children.  Click on the image below to look at the amazing range.  You need a QLDC library membership (which is free) to borrow. 



BookHub is an relatively new NZ based website where you can search for books you want to buy online from NZ based booksellers rather than from overseas sites.

Obviously I support local booksellers as well but if you are an online shopper I fully support supporting NZ businesses before the likes of Amazon who charge exorbitant shipping fees.  Click on the icon or this link : https://bookhub.co.nz/


Quote of the Week



Touch Rugby

After School Science Club

Starting Tuesday 30th July

After School Tennis


After School Care


Local School Child Season Passes

Delicious, nutritious and popular with kids, Subway delivers school lunches every Friday.  Order online at subwayexpress.co.nz by 9am.
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School Newsletter

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7 Ironside Drive
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