Wānaka Primary School Newsletter for Term 3 Week 10
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Newsletter Term 3 Week 10
24th September 2024




Term 3
Week 10
POD 4 Swim Week - all week
Tuesday 24th September - Year 6 Camp Parent Meeting 5pm - Rm 24, Pod 6
Thursday 26th September - Winning Tribe Mufti Day - 'KEA'
Friday 27th September - Last day of Term 3

Term 4
Week 1

Monday 14th October - First day of Term 4
Tuesday 15th October - 'I am Hope' Presentation 1.30-2.30pm
Thursday 17th October - AWE Orchestra Performance 9.55-10.40am
Week 2
Tuesday 22nd October - Year 6 Camp Week - all week
Wednesday 23rd October - Central Lakes Polyfest - Queenstown Events Centre
Week 3
Year 4 Camp Week
Monday 28th October - Labour Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
Week 4
Pod 2 Swim Week - all week
Tuesday 5th November - Year 5 Camp - all week
Wednesday 6th November - Year 3 camp - 1st group
Thursday 7th November - Year 3 camp - 2nd group
Week 7
Tuesday 26th November - End of Year Parent Deep Dives
Friday 29th November - End of Year Reports emailed out
Week 8
Tuesday 3rd December - Parent Teacher Conferences (booking system to be set up for these)
Wednesday 4th December - Parent Teacher Conferences (booking system to be set up for these)
Week 9
Tuesday 10th December - Matinee Performance of Pantomime
Wednesday 11th December - Evening Performance of Pantomime
Friday 13th December - Wendy's Farewell
Week 10
Monday 16th December - Tribe Water Fun afternoon
Tuesday 17th December - Year 6 Graduation Assembly 1pm
Wednesday 18th December - Last day of school 2024

Term 1, 2025
Monday 3rd February - First day for students 2025



Winning Tribe Mufti Day - Thursday 26th September

Kea Tribe collected the most tokens this term - Congratulations! 
They have a mufti day this Thursday 26th September.

Missed Snowsports Day

As we have only used 4 days of our Snowsports Programme this year, Cardrona/TC are going to be providing you with 2 options for the final day:
  1. A partial programme refund ($50) for the day that was missed
  2. The opportunity to book your child into a regular lesson 
Can you please fill out the form below with your preference so that Cardrona/TC can get organised and get in contact with you. 

Sunhats Compulsory in Term 4

A reminder that sunhats are compulsory in Term 4.

Lost Property

We have a large amount of lost property in our Pods and school office.  Please come and claim your lost property before the end of term as we will be dropping off what is left at school to charity shops over the holiday break.

Leaving Wānaka Primary School?

If you and your family are leaving Wānaka Primary School at the end of this term and you have not yet notified our office, can you please do so as soon as possible.  Thank you.

Principals' Conference

Dr Wendy Bamford was recognised last week at the Trans-Tasman Principals' Conference.  This is for principals who have served their fellow principals and the education sector in New Zealand with distinction.  Congratulations Wendy this is a massive acknowledgement of all the hard work within your schools in the Upper Clutha as well as supporting programmes and schools in Central Otago.  


Places available for out-of-zone students for 2025

The Wānaka Primary School Board gives notification that the school has 60 available places, across all year levels, and invites applications from parents for out-of-zone enrolments, for next year, 2025.

All out-of-zone enrolments are subject to enrolment scheme legislation.  If the number of out-of-zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot.

The out-of-zone enrolment application deadline is the 27th September 2024.  Information on the out-of-zone application process, together with the enrolment form and an out-of-zone ballot application form (both of which are required to be submitted) are available on our school website.  If a ballot is required this will be held on 11th October 2024.

Brendan Hearle
Board Chair

Principals' Conference in Christchurch Last Week

Jason, Jennie and I, along with 1,000 other school leaders, had an excellent 3 days at the Trans-Tasman Principals' Conference last week.  The messages being put across were definitely around quality leadership and as a result of that, quality learning.  It is interesting that a speaker, who shared a recent educational achievement report featuring many OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries, showing that it is not just New Zealand and Australia showing a decline in literacy and mathematics scores.  The test used to measure this educational achievement is the PISA test and it has been used internationally for a long time and it is this one test used to compare the performance of countries.  High performing countries such as Finland and Sweden are also showing a decline in their PISA scores.  The rise of phonics and structured programmes, (our Minister of Education even mentioned structured music in her address to the conference), is on the rise around the world in an effort to raise achievement as identified by these PISA results.  Student achievement however is much more than a test result or reducing a curriculum area to disparate skills.  To face an uncertain future our children need to be critical thinkers, clear communicators, be able to think creatively and have good character and citizenship skills, if they are to keep up with a rapidly changing world, and a future work and life environment.  

One speaker I particularly liked at the conference was Gilbert Enoka.  He was involved as a 'mind coach' for the All Blacks.  He was inspirational to listen to and a lot of what he said reminded me of the things we teach children around learner agency and being responsible for their own learnership.  We can have amazing teachers but our learners need to step up and take responsibility as well.  He talked about fight and work skills and urged us to teach the child not the curriculum.  He mentioned 3 crucial lessons he passes on to players which also apply to our children:
  • You will never rise above your opinion of yourself
  • Choices not chances determine your destiny
  • Your past does not have to 'equal' your future
He went on to say we are unstoppable if we work on the things people can't take away from us; your character and your mind.  He used the mantra KNOW ME, BE ME, STAY ME.

His other mantra that stuck with me was: 'There are no silver bullets or magic solutions to success, the magic is in the mahi/work.'  

Other quotes from Gilbert I wrote down (and they came in thick and fast)...
  • Dream big but every dream comes with a pair of overalls.
  • Obstacles are a sign you are on the right path.
  • Culture (as in home, school or team culture) eats strategy for breakfast and is caught not taught.
  • Be held accountable for your actions not intentions. 
  • The standard you walk past is the standard you expect (so true!) and cultureis set at the lowest the leader tolerates.
  • Trust needs proof and sorry needs change.
  • Be where your feet are.  All of me is in the moment (this made me reflect on student engagement and a students will to engage, and how important that is to learning success regardless of effective teachers).
  • Busy and hard work, add passion, and you work harder than others.
  • Be at your best when your best is needed.
  • To improve you need to have a gap/discomfort between reality and high challenge.
  • So how do we make people better - we create the gap, then bridge the gap by moving to another level.
  • Stay in the present and mind where your mind goes.
WHEN YOU CHANGE THE WAY YOU LOOK AT THINGS YOU LOOK AT THINGS YOU CHANGE.  Changing the way you look at things will create opportunities.


These are all the things we have been looking at in our learnership model which we will share with you next term, once we have the graphic model etc completed and that is why Gilbert really impacted on me.  I kept looking at our learning culture and the expectations of our learners.  Do your children come ready and willing to engage in learning each day?  Do they expect to be challenged, make mistakes, put in the mahi, be self-motivated and have joy in wanting to learn.  And how can we as teachers further ignite that passion and joy of learning with children who do not have this willingness to engage or take on challenges, and also what can we do to make great learners even greater?  

Remember that when a child starts school they already arrive in class with a learning mindset and culture.  Look at these quotes and reflect on what aspects relate to your own family values and culture.  How can you further support the building of positive learnership attitudes and values of your children?

Service With Distinction Award

I was very honored to be one of 2 principals to receive this award for services to education at the conference.  This award is the result of nominations and a decision made from other educators and leaders within the NZ Principals Federation.  Thank you to the wonderful leadership team and to my Upper Clutha, Central Otago and other principal colleagues who were present to cheer for me when I received this accolade.  I felt very emotional and touched.

Enrolments for 2025

All children in Albert Town now fall within the Wānaka Primary School enrolment zone so are welcome to enrol children at all levels of the school at WPS for the 2025 year.  We are also inviting Out Of Zone Applications in 2025.  These Out of Zone Applications need to be in by this Friday, 27th September to get into the first ballot.

See the Wānaka Primary School website for further information about enrolment procedures.

'New to MAC' Information Evenings

The first information sessions for new parents to MAC will be held in the Mount Aspiring College gym at 6pm tonight, Tuesday 24th September.  There will be a second session on Tuesday 15th October.

Local pre-enrolled Year 7 students will have an opportunity to visit the College as part of their orientation day on Friday 6th December.

PTA Pasta Fundraiser

Calendars, Sketch Pads, Greeting Cards and Diaries


Year 5 EOTC Day

EOTC Day was a busy one for these young carpenters last Thursday.  Year 5 made carry trays for their seeds with David, Charlotte and Leah.  Designing, planning and using materials to carry out their plans were all skills practised by this creative group of children.

MAC Students in Pod 3

Every term Year 9 students from MAC come in and share their te reo booklets with Pod 3.  This term Pod 3 enjoyed teaching the older students their new learning too.

School Camps 2024 - Terms 4

Payment details:

Online to Wānaka Primary School Account No:  02-0673-0023784-001
Eftpos / cash at the office


Positive Behaviour For Learning - PB4L

PB4L School-Wide looks at behaviour and learning from a whole-of-school as well as an individual child perspective.  The framework is based on international evidence and is helping New Zealand schools build a culture where positive behaviour and learning is a way of life.

Each fortnight we focus on a school wide goal to encourage positive behaviours.  The current goal is:  'We are kind, gentle and considerate of others and their property'.


EOTC Enviro Group

For the final week of EOTC the Year 2 children enjoyed a nature walk and helped do more mulching around the new plants beside the walkway.  We also had a visit from Jose, Jay and Van of Wai Wānaka.  They brought Piata the Tuna (long finned eel) and we learnt all about how Tuna live in Lake Wānaka and Hāwea, then migrate back to the ocean to lay their eggs.  We also learnt about how we can help to protect our local taonga by making sure we don't drop litter.  We located some of the storm drains around Pods 1 and 2 and added a metal symbol to remind everyone that everything that goes down the storm drain ends up in our lake.  See below for more information about Wai Wānaka's "Adopt a Drain" scheme.

Thanks to Mt Iron Geodrill


WAI Wanaka’s - Adopt a Drain Programme

To learn more about Adopt a Drain click here.
To book an ‘Adopt a Drain’ session in your street, 
please email getinvolved@waiwanaka.nz.


Lock in the Date 18th - 22nd November


Our annual book fair is coming up in week 6 of Term 4.
This is our biggest fundraiser for our school library.
This is a great time to do some Christmas shopping!

Library News

 Click the image below to view our wonderful Library Webapp.


Feel free to email Melissa at any time if you have any questions.

Digital and Audio Resources

Borrow box is an amazing resource which you can have free access to for digital reading and audio resources for your children.  Click on the image below to look at the amazing range.  You need a QLDC library membership (which is free) to borrow. 



BookHub is an relatively new NZ based website where you can search for books you want to buy online from NZ based booksellers rather than from overseas sites.

Obviously I support local booksellers as well but if you are an online shopper I fully support supporting NZ businesses before the likes of Amazon who charge exorbitant shipping fees.  Click on the icon or this link : https://bookhub.co.nz/


Quote of the Week


Wānaka Kids Club - Holiday Programme

Wānaka Recreation Centre Holiday Programme

Libraries' Holiday Programme

Dance Wānaka Spring Camp


Spring is Here and it's Time for Tennis

Our Junior Group Coaching programme for term 4 is online and ready to book.  We have classes for kids of all ages and for adults too (if you realise your children are getting better than you)!

We also have holiday programmes for anyone wanting to join us for tennis over the break.  Our camp will run in the second week of the spring holidays from 7th -10th October.  For more info, or to check out our classes and book, visit:
Term Dates – October 14th - Dec 6th 2024, Location: Wanaka Tennis Club
For more information or if you have any questions, email Kirstie at aspiringtennis@yahoo.co.nz.
Book classes early, so you don’t miss out. Hope to see you soon!

Artrageous Art Classes

Junior Touch

Aspiring Athletics

Wānaka Bike Squad - Term 4

Trampoline and Parkour at Site

Tennis Coaching at Wānaka Recreation Centre

Wānaka Cricket Club - Junior Cricket

For further information than what is outlined below, please visit our website, and our Facebook page for updates. www.wanakacricketclub.co.nz
WANAKA JUNIOR CRICKET CLUB  junior@wanakacricketclub.co.nz

School Year 1-2
This will be a non-hard ball skills and game based sessions appropriate to the age group.  Further information and registration details will be communicated via our FB page, on our website, and by email during Term 3.

School Year 3-4 not wanting to play hard ball
This will be a non-hard ball skills and game based sessions appropriate to the age group, held during the week by Otago Country Cricket facilitators.  Further information and registration details will be communicated via our FB page, school newsletters, on our website, and by email during Term 3.

School Year 4-8 Hardball Saturday Competition
The pre-registration form (link via QR Code, or our website) is for players who are in school Years 4 - 8, who want to play within the Saturday Divisional Grades (Div 1, 2, & 3) hard ball competition, with training during the week.  This form is for the club to attain probable numbers in the Divisional Grades for the upcoming season, so that we can move forward early in our planning of teams, Coaches, and pre-season trainings.



Click here to read an online copy of this SAFETY magazine which  provides practical advice and a safety plan to help keep children safe from serious injuries like falls, drowning & other incidents.

Wānaka Swim Club Have-A-Go Event

Fundraising Disco at Aspiring Gymsports

Disco this Saturday at Aspiring Gymsports 5-6.30pm in support of 7 trampolinists and 2 gymnasts in the Otago team attending the National Championships in Palmerston North in the second week of the school holidays.

Musical fun at Wānaka Library with Deano Yipadee


Chrissy Wickes Art Class

Dunedin Brick Show 2024

Duathlon - Preschool  to Year 8

Delicious, nutritious and popular with kids, Subway delivers school lunches every Friday.  Order online at subwayexpress.co.nz by 9am.
Copyright © 2024 Wānaka Primary School, All rights reserved.
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