Break up the Department of Homeland Security • Larry Elder: The ‘lower temperature’ has fired right back up
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Friday, July 26, 2024

Newsom right to take down the tent cities

Of course homelessness is a complicated issue with no simple solutions.

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Break up the Department of Homeland Security

Pencils have erasers for this very reason.

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Larry Elder: The ‘lower temperature’ has fired right back up

On July 14, hours after the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden told the nation, “(We need to) lower the temperature in our politics.”

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Crowded field for governor gets bigger

It’s official. Former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has joined the field of candidates to succeed Gov. Gavin Newsom in two years. “I believe we need a problem solver to lead our state,” he said in a video announcing his campaign. “That’s why I’m running for governor.”

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The sorry state of public safety in California is Kamala Harris’ legacy

Given the sad state of affairs here, I would say the idea of President Kamala Harris is laughable, but then I remembered what that would sound like.

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America must act to lead and win the 21st century space race

Paperwork and permitting delays have become the rule, not the exception, to allowing commercial space launches from occurring in a timely manner.

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California’s not so golden for fast food businesses

Newsom and state lawmakers must listen to small businesses and their employees who say the current policy is hurting California.

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Huntington Beach ‘conservatives’ embrace leftist no-growth tactic

It’s a clear attempt to stop housing construction.

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Kamala Harris is awful

Her policy objectives are likely to face little institutional resistance from the media, wealthy corporate elites, and the bureaucratic administrative apparatus.

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Proposed digital ads tax is terrible news for small businesses like my family’s bakery

California’s small businesses are the heart and soul of our communities. We deserve better than a dead-of-night tax hike.

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