Insightful Correspondence With Sarah "I have come across a lot of issues from my past and childhood"
"The immerse-ucation process has a remarkable history of providing this peace."
From Gary: Sarah (true name withheld for privacy reasons) is a Member of our OEFT Course and gave me permission to publish this correspondence between us. It contains many insights and useful ideas. My responses are in red.
Hi Gary,
I have been doing the unseen therapist and I have come across a lot of issues from my past and childhood. Good. Although this may be uncomfortable, it seems far better to identify these issues for resolution. Otherwise, they remain under the surface while continuing to limit your life over the decades to come. For some reason the scalp issues just transforms into another issue. I'm wondering if I'm leaving any aspects or if there are innner aspects related to the ones I have healed. It is common for aspects and related issues to come and go (see Advanced Lesson #3). You have a lifetime of experiences that intertwine with each other and so you can expect this to happen with some frequency, especially at first.
Eventually, though, your efforts at peace can prevail. The immerse-ucation process has a remarkable history of providing this peace, although it tends to do its job subtly, but powerfully, behind the scenes. Often, the results are not even noticed until you look back at your original list and see the substantial progress that is being made.
I have a lot of them at the moment and I do find some resistance in healing some specific events. Some specific events, and our anger/rage about them, can become "old friends" in that we sometimes perceive benefits in keeping them around. They become easy targets for blame and seemingly bring relief (albeit temporary) from personal unrest within. Better to resolve them so that the need to "project blame" subsides.
Overall, I see a very common underlying theme, that people are so unfair to me which logically they were and that makes me very angry and puts me in the revenge mode.
Got it. The illusionary separated world is loaded with unfair things and unfair people... or so it seems. Our OEFT Course will not change the unfairness. It will, however, serve to improve your RESPONSE to it so that inner peace can prevail. Someday, with your continued diligence, our Course will allow you to see this unfairness as but part of a bad dream. As you awaken to the Oneness, the dream and all the unfairness within it, will fade for lack of reality. We all have a way to go in this pursuit, but we ARE progressing up our Stairway to Miracles. As you ascend, you can expect the same results to unfold.
I think it's better to say I have rage inside and not anger because I have suppressed my anger for so long about so many things.
Whenever I feel that anger my scalp burns and I feel the seabhorric dermatitis on my scalp that I have been suffering from since 10 years. This appears to be a physical SYMPTOM of your inner anger (the CAUSE). You can use creams and other attempts to reduce the SYMPTOMS but, until you resolve the CAUSE, physical problems are likely.
And today I saw you in a dream where I was talking to you and we were laughing together, I'm hoping that means something good is coming my way.
Seems like a good sign. Laughter is far better than anger/rage/revenge.
e-hugs, Gary
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