Plus, how right-wing media blames the left for the Capitol Riot, and more...
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Plus, how right-wing media blames the left for the Capitol Riot, and more...
January 8, 2021
Next Week Might Be Too Late to Impeach Trump

He’s an immediate threat to America, and yet Democratic leaders are showing little urgency.

By Matt Ford


The Conservative Media Really Wants You to Think the Capitol Riot Is the Left’s Fault Lies about voter fraud have given way to excuses for violence.By Alex Shephard
The $2,000 Checks and Our Failing Vaccine Rollout Have Something in Common Some Democrats are more afraid of backlash than they are concerned with making government work for people.By Alex Pareene
America’s Obsession With “Peaceful” Transitions Crashes Into Reality The Capitol riot showed that our political system is just as frail and corruptible as any other.By John Patrick Leary


Democrats Are Finally Unafraid to Be the Party of Free Money The decisive factor in the Georgia runoffs may have been the one that Andrew Yang brought back to the liberal mainstream.By Lucia Graves
The Case Against the $2,000 Checks Now that Democrats have won the Senate, there’s a better way to spend that money.By Timothy Noah
Exxon Mobil Is Twisting Itself in Knots to Justify Pumping Even More Oil In its annual Energy and Carbon Summary, the oil company offers a bizarre account of how it’s going to help address climate change while increasing production.By Kate Aronoff


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