Natural Retail Today
Natural Retail Today

JANUARY 8, 2019


NFM's New Product Showcase

Ring in 2019 with Natural Food Merchandiser's curated gallery of 24 innovative new products–shelf-stable veggies! CBD coffee! And more.

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Whole Foods launches digital product catalog

The online service aims to help customers with special dietary needs.

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How to explain CBD to consumers

Here are all the questions you'll need to answer, as well as guidelines to help you build a clarifying response.

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Proposed Farm Bill rule could limit SNAP eligibility

The USDA's proposal would only increase food insecurity and poverty among low-income adults, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 

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Use Health Plus Super Colon Cleanse® for Your New Year’s Cleanse

Eliminate those pounds picked up over the holidays. Made entirely of natural ingredients, including Senna Leaf Powder, Super Colon Cleanse eliminates waste effectively and helps shed that unwanted weight.

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Health Plus Prebiotic Formula Keeps Your Probiotics Fed

Often lost in the hype about probiotics is mention of the food source the friendly bacteria rely on to survive. Called Prebiotics, they’re a good idea for general GI tract upkeep.

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