Journal Star
Apr 23, 2020
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This morning's top stories
Nick in the AM: Peoria restaurant stays connected by offering frozen gourmet meals

Good morning, troops. It's Wednesday, April 22.Because of the coronavirus pandemic, Troy Ummel might have found a new product line for his restaurant.

Home games: A letter from Rivermen coach Jean-Guy Trudel while sheltering amid COVID-19

The Journal Star has asked area sports figures, from players to coaches and administrators, team owners and those working in the games we love from sandlot to big-league levels, to write down their thoughts and experiences as they shelter with the rest of us from the Coronavirus pandemic: This letter is from Jean-Guy Trudel, head coach of the Peoria Rivermen: To Rivermen fans, my players, my staff, our front office and all the great people in Peoria and it surroundings ... Many have asked

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Layoffs and a hiring freeze as East Peoria cuts budget to keep city afloat

EAST PEORIA -- Faced with an expanding black hole in its budget because of disappearing revenues during the current global public health crisis, the East Peoria city council this week approved cuts that included police department layoffs, the elimination of a recently enhanced recycling program and the reduction of operating expenses across the city."Not a single person here wants to make these kinds of decisions," Mayor John Kahl told whatever unseen audience was remotely watching

New inventions to help fight coronavirus underway at Jump Simulation in Peoria

PEORIA - A new virus-repelling face mask is one of the things on the fast track to development at Jump Trading Simulation & Education Center through a program launched to address the pandemic.

Barriers to getting tested for COVID-19 have fallen in central Illinois

PEORIA Most barriers to getting tested for COVID-19 are gone anyone over the age of 18 who is experiencing coronavirus symptoms can now get tested.