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Frustrating Foibles

“Be kind and compassionate to each other, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

The great tragedies of life can undermine committed love, but so can minor frustrations. These daily irritants, when accumulated over time, may be even more threatening to a marriage than the catastrophic events that crash into our lives. And yes, there are times in every marriage when a husband and wife don’t like each other very much. There may be occasions when anger or disappointment takes the fun out of a relationship temporarily. Emotions are like that. They occasionally flatten out like an automobile tire with a nail in it. Riding on the rim is a pretty bumpy experience for everyone on board.

The next time you’re tempted to trade in your spouse, remember that divorce must never be considered an option for those who are committed to each other for life. Instead, determine to work on your points of friction and to accept the human frailties and faults in your spouse. He or she must accept an equal number of flaws in you as well. A covenant of commitment and acceptance is a powerful secret to lifelong love.

Just between us…

  • What “daily irritant” between us is most frustrating to you?
  • Have we gotten better or worse at handling everyday aggravations?
  • How can we reduce frustrations in our marriage?

Dear God, You know how little irritations often cause pain in our marriage. As we humbly release these irritations to You, please heal us. Forgive us our pride. Anoint us with grace. Grow in us a love that’s stronger than any fault or foible. Amen.

  • From Night Light For Couples, by Dr. James & Shirley Dobson
    Copyright © 2000 by James Dobson, Inc. All rights reserved.

Bible Gateway Recommendations
Nightlight for Couples - Hardcover Edition

A Devotional for Couples

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Copyright Information

These devotionals are drawn from Night Light for Couples by Dr. James and Shirley Dobson. For more information or to buy a print copy, see Night Light for Couples at the Bible Gateway store

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