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True Values

We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works. Ephesians 2:10

My daughter, Danae, was a beautiful child even at fifteen months of age. Our family and friends, as well as complete strangers, loved to hold her in their arms, or tease her, or give her candy. Everyone, it seemed, wanted to shower her with affection.

That all changed, however, on the day of Danae’s encounter with a table in our living room. She was just learning how to run on little legs, and Jim was playfully chasing her through the house. Suddenly, Danae lost her balance and fell into the sharp edge of a table, driving a front baby tooth completely into her gums. It was an awful moment for all of us!

Although there was no permanent damage, Danae’s head-on collision with the furniture temporarily distorted the shape of her mouth. All her babyish appeal was now gone. When Jim took her to the store the next evening, he immediately noticed a change in how others responded to our little darling. Instead of offering her smiles and tenderness, they tended to stare or turn away. These strangers were not intentionally mean, but they were demonstrating one of our most flawed values: We often reserve our love for the most attractive among us.

This kind of unjust thinking can be particularly devastating to a youngster with an already shaky self-concept. That’s why it’s so important for us to teach our children the true values that come from God. He wants us to live with humble reverence for Him and for every member of His human family. The Lord of lords and King of kings has created me and you and each of our children with unique talents and temperaments. He loves each of us just as we are and has a meaningful plan for our lives.

When you explain the depth of Christ’s great love to your son or daughter—that He gave His very life for him or her—you’ll put the matter of self-worth in its proper perspective. That’s an important message for your kids…and for Mom and Dad, too.

- Shirley M Dobson

  • From Night Light For Parents, by Dr. James & Shirley Dobson
    Copyright © 2000 by James Dobson, Inc. All rights reserved.

Bible Gateway Recommendations
Nightlight for Parents

A Devotional for Parents

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Copyright Information

These devotionals are drawn from Night Light for Parents by Dr. James and Shirley Dobson. For more information or to buy a print copy, see Night Light for Parents at the Bible Gateway store.

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