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NBC News - The Nightly News
By Dan Donahue, NBC Nightly News
Good Tuesday afternoon.
We have full team coverage of the ongoing, massive protests over the death of George Floyd. Here is what’s in our Nightly Rundown.

Trump visits National Shrine amid firestorm over clash outside White House

President Trump paid a visit to the Saint John Paul II National Shrine today, his second visit to a religious site following the violent crackdown on protesters outside the White House.
Moments before Trump spoke in the Rose Garden on Monday, police backed by the National Guard made a show of force against what had been a peaceful protest in nearby Lafayette Square.
Police and troops fired tear gas, rubber bullets, pepper spray and flash-bang grenades at the demonstrators. Officers on horseback rode into the crowd, sending protesters running to avoid being trampled.
In the chaos, an officer punched a cameraman for an Australian news crew as they reported live on the air.
Moments after Lafayette Park was cleared out, Trump walked over to the historic St. John’s church, which had been damaged by fire in the unrest on Sunday, and stood for a photo op with a Bible in his hand.
Police had moved in on protesters nearly a half-hour before the 7 p.m. ET curfew imposed by Mayor Muriel Bowser.
Asked for comment about the use of force on a peaceful demonstration, White House spokesperson Judd Deere said in a statement to NBC News: “The perimeter was expanded to help enforce the 7:00 pm curfew in the same area where rioters attempted to burn down one of our nation’s most historic churches the night before. Protesters were given three warnings by the U.S. Park Police.”
A number of journalists covering the protests in the park reported that they did not hear any such warnings.
Trump’s visit today to the National Shrine, the largest Catholic church in America, was met with criticism from religious leaders, as was his photo op at St. John’s last night.
Archbishop Wilton Gregory, the first African-American Catholic Archbishop of Washington, said in a statement, “I find it baffling and reprehensible that any Catholic facility would allow itself to be so egregiously misused and manipulated in a fashion that violates our religious principles, which call us to defend the rights of all people even those with whom we might disagree.”
Gregory added that John Paul II was a defender of human rights, and “certainly would not condone the use of tear gas and other deterrents to silence, scatter or intimidate them for a photo opportunity in front of a place of worship and peace.
Geoff Bennett is at the White House tonight, where new temporary fencing has been installed along the north edge of Lafayette Square.
TV cameraman struck by officer while covering White House protests
TV cameraman struck by officer while covering White House protests
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New York City extends curfew after night of widespread looting

Following another night of violence and looting in New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio has announced an 8 p.m. ET curfew beginning tonight — three hours earlier than Monday night’s curfew — that will last through Sunday.
Another 700 people were arrested overnight, as mostly peaceful protests once again gave way to chaos and unrest in the streets as night fell.
Looters began striking hours before the curfew went into effect, smashing their way into stores including the iconic Macy’s in Herald Square and the Nike store on 5th Ave. At Rockefeller Center, vandals shattered storefront windows.
Several more police were hurt overnight, including an officer who was struck by a hit-and-run driver in the Bronx.
Aside from the curfew, New York City remains under a stay-at-home order due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has caused more than 21,000 confirmed and probable deaths there. The city is not scheduled to move to Phase 1 of its reopening until Monday.
President Trump criticized the city’s response to the unrest. “New York City put on an 11:00 P.M. CURFEW last night. No wonder they ripped the place apart. Should be 7:00 P.M. CALL UP THE NATIONAL GUARD. #SAVENYC,” he tweeted.
Trump on Monday, as that police crackdown on protesters was happening outside the White House, urged governors to deploy the National Guard to “dominate the streets.���
He added that if cities or states refuse, “then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them” — though he has limited power to do so.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has said the National Guard is “on standby,” was critical of de Blasio and the police for their handling of the unrest.
“The NYPD and the mayor did not do their job last night,” Cuomo said at a news conference. “I believe that."
De Blasio said sending National Guard troops into New York’s City’s neighborhoods would be a “dangerous scenario.”
Ron Allen is continuing his reporting from New York City tonight.
Gov. Cuomo slams NYPD, Mayor de Blasio for response to looting and unrest
Gov. Cuomo slams NYPD, Mayor de Blasio for response to looting and unrest
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George Floyd memorial and funeral services announced, Biden expected to attend

The man whose death in the custody of Minneapolis police has galvanized protests all across the county, will be honored at events in three states beginning this week.
On Thursday, a memorial will be held for George Floyd in Minneapolis at North Central University. The service is private, but will be live streamed, the school said. Rev. Al Sharpton is expected to deliver a eulogy.
A second memorial service will take place on Saturday in Raeford, North Carolina, the state were Floyd was born. That service will also be private, but a public viewing will take place beforehand.
On Monday, a public viewing will be held at The Fountain of Praise Church in Houston, the city where Floyd lived in the past.
The following day, a final funeral service will be held for Floyd in Houston.
Joe Biden, the likely Democratic nominee for president, is expected to attend that service, according to Floyd family attorney Benjamin Crump.
Biden, in a speech today at Philadelphia City Hall, praised the peaceful protests, and accused President Trump of turning “this country in a battlefield driven by old resentments and fresh fears.”
Gabe Gutierrez continues his reporting tonight from Minneapolis.
Biden voices support for George Floyd protests, rips Trump response
Biden voices support for George Floyd protests, rips Trump response
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Other things we’re watching tonight:

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