April 13, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

I've had a few readers chime in with this question... whether becasue of the "Warren Buffett" reference or because lots of folks are sniffing around for appealing oil stocks right now.  Charles Mizrahi is pitching his "Number 1 Small Cap Oil Stock for 2023" in recent ads for his pricey 8-Figure Fortunes... so what is it?  Just click below to...

Some depositors aren't waiting around to find out if their bank is safe....

The collapse of several banks in recent weeks has reminded us that there are risks in banking.

If you are a depositor, you may want to get important insights into those risks.

You can get those insights in Elliott Wave International's special report "How Safe is My Bank?" -- a $49 value which you can get for free.

Read the bank report now >>


Enrique Abeyta over at Empire Financial is pitching a "perfect EV battery" that will make electric vehicles cheaper and safer, including a dramatic video of other batteries catching fire while this one survived the "nail test" -- so what's the story?  Anything new here in his "#1 EV Stock of the 2020s?"  Just click below to...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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