Dear John

Comparison is the thief of joy.

“Success is not measured by what you do compared to what others do; it is measured by what you do with the ability God gave you.” Zig Ziglar

“Do the best you can with what you have, and God will take what you’ve done and pass it on.” Zig Ziglar

Stop comparing yourself to others and focus on what you can do about you. This is a lesson I find myself relearning from time to time. For example I enJOY painting but I am not very good at it - and my enJOYment of it is robbed when I compare what I have done to gifted and well practiced artists. Now I focus on just learning something new, trying something new, and relishing the experience and the progress.

This is the season of Joy - and there is No Comparison in the season of Joy!

Choose to Win!


P.s. Remember, The ZigPass isn’t just a bookmark, it is your key to a world of inspiration, tools, and training. I have something in store for you on Monday that will have you (or a loved one!) excited and eager to put it to work as a bookmark as well. Stay tuned...


Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306