July 22, 2016

No-Cook Dinner Party Dishes for Those Sweltering Summer Evenings

When it’s too hot to cook, throwing a dinner party is totally unappealing: If you’re lucky enough to have a grill, you’ll end up sweating over it for several hours; if you don’t have a grill, you’ll need to turn on the oven and push the temperature...Read More

10 Amazing Meals You Can Make in a Mason Jar

Americans today may have a slight obsession with mason jars. Beyond fulfilling their original duties as a repository for preserved food, these glass canning vessels add instant charm to everything from decor and drinks to pre-prepared foods. People...Read More

Vegetable Desserts We Wish Had Never Been Invented

Don’t get me wrong: I’m all for eating my way through a loaf of chocolate-chip zucchini bread, a slice of pumpkin pie, or a cream cheese frosted carrot cake, but the health-obsessives out there seem to have taken the vegetable-in-dessert recipes to...Read More
Spinach Cake

Creative, Crazy Ice Cream Recipes the Kids Will Love

In the heart of the kids’ summer vacation, ice cream has become an almost-daily treat. You have probably been dividing your ice cream-eating sessions between the ever-singing truck and the pints of Ben and Jerry’s in your freezer, but it’s time to...Read More
Cookie Ice Cream

The 14 Best Burgers in California

Is there any food more quintessentially American than the burger? The simple sandwich of ground beef on a bun allows for considerable creativity from the chef or home cook who's making it, and there are thousands of variations, from one...Read More
Gott's Roadside

How to Poach an Egg the Right Way

 The ideal poached egg is round in shape, almost as if it were cooked in its shell. The whites are just set and encase a pleasantly warm and runny golden yolk.The yolk inside is considered precious; it is pure liquid gold that bursts from...Read More
Poached Eggs

Gin vs. Vodka: What You Need to Know

Vodka and gin are both grain-based spirits with a rich tradition of European distilling. Vodka is often associated with Russia; famous premium brands such as Stolichnaya, Russian Standard and Smirnoff were founded there. The Russians trace their...Read More

The 15 Best Chain Restaurant Happy Hours

Ahh, happy hour. That brief, shining window, generally during weekday afternoons and early evenings, when bars roll back drink prices in an effort to lure in customers. But while bars are still great sources of happy hours, plenty of restaurants are...Read More
McCormick & Schmick's

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