Media Winners & Losers

Brian Stelter

CNN’s Brian Stelter and a panelist teed off on President Joe Biden’s administration for what they deemed an “outrageous” position on the free press on Sunday's episode of Reliable Sources.

Stelter cited a pair of incidents this week in which Biden officials more or less told the press that they would have to take the government’s version of events at face value on stories regarding Russia and Syria. But in neither case did the White House back up their charge with detailed evidence, and it has bristled at media scrutiny of their claims.

Stelter slammed the administration for imploring the press to “trust us," adding, "That is not what journalists do. That is not what journalists are meant to do. Journalists are meant to probe and press for the evidence, regardless of who is in power.”

“I think the Biden administration thought just because they weren’t Trump they were going to get some kind of free ride, and it’s outrageous!” agreed David Zurwarik, former media columnist for the Baltimore Sun. “We trust no one. That is what we do.”

Stelter and Zurwarik are absolutely right. The press serves a vital role in holding government leaders accountable, and no one should get a free pass.


The Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony in Beijing on Friday ended up a ratings dud for NBC.

The ceremony drew “nearly 14 million” TV viewers, according to a release from the network— making it one of the least viewed in Olympic history.

Compared to the 23.8 million people who tuned into the last winter games ceremony in 2018 in Pyeongchang, viewership dropped 43 percent overall. Only 8.7 million tuned into primetime programming with NBC’s Mike Tirico andSavannah Guthrie, who led the coverage of the opening ceremony.

The viewing audience was also significantly lower than last year’s Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony in Tokyo, which averaged 17 million viewers throughout the program.

Add in the ongoing controversy over how to cover China's horrific human rights abuses and the total lack of fans due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and these Olympics are just plain less fun than they've been in previous years. 

And one of the things that has been consistently fun about the Olympics -- Leslie Jones' off-the-wall wacky commentary -- is apparently getting squashed by NBC Sports, as Jones lamented in a Twitter post.

The A-Block

"President Trump was wrong."

Former Vice President Mike Pence set off shock waves with those words in a speech Friday afternoon at the Federalist Society's annual conference in Orlando, Florida, issuing his sharpest rebuke yet of former President Donald Trump and his claims that Pence could have refused to certify the Electoral College votes.

"President Trump is wrong," said Pence. "I had no right to overturn the election. The presidency belongs the American people, and the American people alone. And frankly, there’s no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president."

A CNN panel reacted with effusive praise moments later, with Gloria Borger calling Pence's remarks "remarkable."

On Fox News, Martha MacCallum covered the speech and asked contributor Joe Concha why he thought Pence was speaking out now. “Because Mike Pence is in the right,” Concha said. “Mike Pence had no ability to overturn that election on January 6th and Donald Trump, the former president, making that claim at a rally last weekend simply was wrong to say that.”

“Mike Pence was as loyal a soldier as anyone to President Trump,” he continued, adding, “He’s tired of hearing these things said about him by Donald Trump that are not true.”

Steve Bannon, one of the targets of the House Select Committee's investigation into Jan. 6, attacked Pence on his podcast as "stone-cold coward."

Trump, unsurprisingly, smacked back at his former veep, issuing one of those "Statements" he emails out since being banned from Twitter. "I was right, and everyone knows it," wrote the petulant former prez.

The reactions continued through the weekend cable news shows, as former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) praised Pence's speech, and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) awkwardly dodged when Face the Nation's Margaret Brennan asked him about it. 

Pence's former chief of staff Mark Short was on Meet the Press, and slammed Trump for being surrounded by "bad advisors who were basically snake-oil salesmen."

The speech was still a hot topic Monday morning. Fox News correspondent Gillian Turner saw it as a sign of a looming divide in the GOP, a "litmus test" of whether or not Republican candidates agreed that Jan. 6 was an insurrection.

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Must See Clip

Can't stop him from coaching, even from the couch

Ever yell at the television in an attempt to coach your favorite team to victory? Turns out, actual coaches do this too.

Steffen Baumgart, the coach of FC Köln in Cologne, Germany, is well known for wearing his trademark flat cap and yelling from the sidelines during games.

Being stuck at home with Covid during his team's match Saturday against FC Freiburg didn't dampen his spirit. His daughter captured his energetic efforts to cheer on the team from home, and posted the video on TikTok. 

Watch and enjoy here.

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The Conscience of Mike Pence
- Charlie Sykes, The Bulwark
The Olympic ideal is about world peace. The Olympic reality is far from it.
- Bryan Walsh, Vox
Trump Is Obsessed With Being a Loser
- Peter Wehner, The Atlantic
The Talented Mr. Bernardini: A young Italian is accused of pulling off the book world’s most perplexing crime. Who is he?
- Reeves Wiedeman, Vulture
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