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Crisis Management Update: Managing your business through change and disruption
This week's guide to Crisis Management
This week's email features a look at Cybersecurity lawyers: 'no good options' for victims of ransomware attacks; Experts assess how real estate looks after COVID; As small businesses faced defaulting on rents, property managers worked behind the scenes to lend a hand; Civil Litigation: Are vaccine mandates legal?; Legal fundamentals small business owners need to know.
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Cybersecurity lawyers: ‘no good options’ for victims of ransomware attacks
With the recent shutdown of Colonial Pipeline, which distributes much of the fuel consumed on the East Coast, cybersecurity attorneys have few words of comfort for businesses that become victims of ransomware attacks, seeing a road ahead fraught with uncertainty.
Civil Litigation: Are vaccine mandates legal?
As more employers pivot away from working remotely, the question of how to handle unvaccinated employees will come to a head.
As small businesses faced defaulting on rents, property managers worked behind the scenes to lend a hand
The economic disruption caused by COVID-19 didn’t just lead to some apartment dwellers falling behind in their rent. Commercial tenants who lost significant business or had to shut down altogether for a time were affected, too.
Experts assess how real estate looks after COVID
Despite a year of increasing office vacancy rates due to remote work, real estate experts are optimistic about growth in this market — and in others that were able to weather the pandemic.
Legal fundamentals small business owners need to know
Getting clear on the fundamental legal basics of setting up and operating your new business will reduce stress, make it easier to acquire real property or one day sell the business and it will help you stay out of court.

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