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October 6, 2022
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Mortgage Rate Watch
Mortgage rates were refreshingly lower at the beginning of the week with most lenders continuing to improve through Tuesday afternoon.  Much has changed since then.  In fact, the average lender is once again above 7% for top tier convention... (read more)
MBS Commentary
Weakest Levels of The Week Ahead of Jobs Report Bonds sold off mid-morning after starting off relatively flat.  The economic data argued against bond selling, so it fell to a B-list of unlikely suspects ... (read more)
Rob Chrisman
One can always focus on lending activity hitting a 25-year low, or the once mighty loanDepot reducing its own liquidity or handing raises out to executives, or’s CEO back in the headlines. So let’s veer off the mortgage track for a bit. No... (read more)
Mortgage Rates
MBS / Treasuries