October 5, 2016
Can the FARC Peace Deal Be Salvaged?
Colombia is coming to terms with the political fallout from Sunday's plebiscite, during which voters rejected a peace deal the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) had spent the past four years crafting. Now officials in Bogota are left with a tough question: How can the deal be amended to satisfy both the FARC and the Colombian public?
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Between Geopolitics and Technology
The pace of technological change continues to accelerate, with geopolitical factors playing a determining role in the process. Recognizing which countries are best situated to take advantage of emerging technologies can help us understand what the geopolitical order will look like two decades from now.
Somalia Falters Toward Democracy
The country's long-awaited elections are meant to signal the start of a new era in Somalia. Billed as the first popular elections since the civil war erupted, the vote could represent a milestone along Somalia's path to stability. What does it really mean, though, for Somali democracy? (subscribers only)
Deutsche Bank's New Reality
Deutsche Bank's share prices have been steadily falling over the past several years, but the latest drop has set off alarm bells. The company is just one example of how banks around the world are losing profits and influence.
The Terrorist Networks at Our Fingertips
Since the dawn of modern terrorism, its practitioners have used different forms of media to spread their message and attract followers to their cause. In many ways, terrorists are often the early adopters of new media technology. (subscribers only)
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