The point is, you were not born to blend in and be one of the herd.
You are one of a kind, with unique talents, quirks, and gifts. The hard part is learning how to recognize and use them.
There are many positive ways to stand out from everyone else. Arrive at work before your colleagues, and leave a little later, for example. Pursue excellence in your professional or creative work, and you'll rise above the mediocrity.
But, if you truly want to stand out, you have to leverage and hone your uniqueness. And uniqueness is found in your quirks, your particular aesthetic vision, your unorthodox approach, your talents, etc.
Honing your uniqueness requires effort.
You can dress to shock or act weird for attention, but you'll only be a novelty. The goal should be to nurture and develop your uniqueness into something worthwhile, elegant, and of value.
There's plenty of conformity out there. Plenty of blending in. Do yourself and the world a favor.
Show us the real you.
(Originally published here)