Hey there, 🪐 What's happening in tech this week: |
Serverless 101, FaaS, Functions as a Service, AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions, Serverless Read More. |
Fullscreen didnt work and window mode was bugged when trying to play Battlefield 1942. I decided to make a program to solve this issue using Win32 APIs. Read More. |
Curious about which linters are available in Golang ecosystem? Heres an introduction of how to get started. Read More. |
Kubecosts Spot Commander recommends optimal cluster configurations, letting Kubernetes users take advantage of spot node savings to streamline your processes. Read More. |
AngularJS has retired. Time to show respect in the form of an ode. Read More. |
Message from Sponsor: When developers code faster, they’re naturally apt to make more errors. Progressive delivery is a method of software development that allows organizations to release updated apps rapidly while maintaining quality and minimizing the chance of bugs wreaking havoc on the stability of the app. Learn more here! |
🧑💻 What happened in your world this week?
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