Nordic Innovation Newsletter 01/17 If you can't read this mail, please click here.

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A Nordic Test Lab for Scaling – tender now open!

Nordic Innovation has a tender out for developing a Nordic Test Lab for Scaling. The contract value is up to NOK 14 million.

The high Nordic startup rates are not turned into equally high firm growth rates. Nordic Innovation wants to procure a scaling model and its implementation during a two-year pilot period. The objective of this tender is to design a concept for a Nordic Test Lab for Scaling that will stimulate high-growth entrepreneurship in the Nordic region and to test the concept during a two-year pilot period.

The pilot should contribute to creating a more unified Nordic community around the Nordic scale-ups and more mature SMEs with high-growth ambitions, and be a means to stimulate the overall economic growth in the Nordic countries.

Deadline for tenders is 9 March 2017.

Feather and trees shall make the Nordics greener

Through the Nordic Green Growth Research and Innovation Programme, Nordic Innovation, NordForsk and Nordic Energy Research have funded six exciting projects that will accelerate the transition towards a sustainable Nordic society with more than NOK 70 million.

The projects aim at developing new technologies, products and knowledge. Among them we find several projects that want to utilise lignin, a waste product from the wood industry, in various ways. Another project is developing technology to use feather from the poultry industry as feed for animals while reducing waste, while other projects are investigating conditions for green transition and circular economy.

“Behind the chosen projects, we find some of the best research institutions and most innovative industry actors in the Nordic region. I am sure their project results will accelerate the green transition in the Nordics and show that we are global frontrunners in green growth when we cooperate”, says programme manager Svend Søyland from Nordic Energy Research.

The Nordic Green Growth Research and Innovation Programme is one of the highlighted activities in the Norwegian presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Nordic Ministers are to break new digital ground

Digital North: A Ministerial Conference in Oslo on 25 April will lay the foundation for a closer digital cooperation and digital transition in the Nordic-Baltic region.

Nordic Innovation is hosting the event in close cooperation with the Norwegian Government and the Nordic Council of Ministers. The Conference is part of the Norwegian Presidency of Nordic Council of Ministers and marks a milestone in Nordic Innovation's work on digitalisation in the Nordic region.

Macro algae can boost the Nordic marine industry

Promising results from CapMafi, one of the projects in the Nordic Marine Innovation Programme, are boosting the belief in a major Nordic algae industry in the near future by developing a new source of fish feed.

Upcoming events:

Nordic Conference on Sustainable Healthcare 2017

Nordic Innovation senior adviser Mona Truelsen will be on stage discussing why the Nordic region is progressive within healthcare.

When: 15 February 2017
Where: Stockholm

Nordic Network of Test Beds

Meet leading clinical testing facilities of the Nordics. Nordic Innovation senior adviser Arvid Løken will present our efforts on Nordic test beds.

When: 15 February 2017
Where: Oslo

Digital North

Nordic Innovation will host the Nordic-Baltic ministerial conference on digitalisation in close cooperation with the Norwegian Government and the Nordic Council of Ministers.

When: 25 April 2017
Where: Oslo

Nordic Innovation, Stensberggata 25, NO-0170 Oslo, Norway. Phone: (47) 47 61 44 00. /