Nordic Innovation Newsletter

Happy Nordic Day!

Nordic seaweed expertise is helping the US become a world leading seaweed producer

Faroese company Ocean Rainforest is one of very few companies in the world that seeds, cultivates and harvests seaweed on a commercial scale in offshore conditions. Now, they have expanded their operation to USA to participate in one of only nine government funded projects to increase US marine biomass production.

Ocean Rainforest was part of the MacroValue project, which was funded through our Nordic Marine Innovation 2.0 programme. They are now using their Nordic seaweed expertice to help design the cultivation rig needed to grow seaweed offshore in the Pacific Ocean, helping grow a global ocean rainforest. 

Shining light on Nordic entrepreneurship 

Last week, we hosted the first ever Nordic Scale-up Summit in Stockholm. The day before, members of the Nordic Scaling Advisory Board met with leading European scale-up nations – the UK and Netherlands – to share knowledge and learnings on how to better facilitate high-growth companies to succeed.

They all face the same challenge: the countries have thriving startup communities but most of the startups do not turn into high-growth companies.

Celebrating women entrepreneurship in
New York

During the week of the International Women's Day, we brought a group of Nordic entrepreneurs to New York to help them build their growth and scaling skills and to celebrate Nordic and women entrepreneurship.

The entrepreneurs underwent a three-day long competency building workshop and attended two high-level events all celebrating women entrepreneurship. They got to pitch for New York-based investors and media, and present their companies at the Invest in Her event hosted by UN Women and Innovation Norway.

Deadline approaching: Apply for joint Nordic events!

We offer funding for activities promoting Nordic solutions for sustainable, smart and liveable cities to relevant stakeholders from outside the Nordic region. This funding opportunity is part of the Nordic Sustainable Cities project.

Apply before 9 April! >>>

Analysing the strenghts of Nordic health tech companies

We have just published an analysis of the core qualities and strongholds of the Nordic health tech ecosystem. The analysis could serve as a point of departure for joint Nordic export initiatives, and we hope it can encourage companies and organisations to work together in order to export Nordic welfare solutions. 

Download the analysis >>>

~ Upcoming events ~

Urban Open Innovation Lab: Call for solutions

Can Nordic solutions be the future of sustainable housing in the Canadian city of Hamilton? Submit your solution until 13 April 2018!

When: 10-11 May 2018
Where: Hamilton (Ontario), Canada

Sustainable Urban Solutions at Nordic Clean Energy Week

400 international guests meet with leading Nordic and global cities and partners to explore sustainable solutions. This event is supported by Nordic Innovation.

When: 23 May, 08:30 - 18:00
Where: Copenhagen, Denmark
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