Nordic Innovation Newsletter

Nordic Innovation Houses set to establish in Singapore and Hong Kong


Building on the success of the Nordic Innovation Houses in Silicon Valley and New York, government agencies from four Nordic countries have joined forces to open soft landing incubators in both Singapore and Hong Kong.

Nordic Innovation will co-fund the two houses, which will provide services for new and established Nordic companies with high potential for international growth and success.

"I am very happy that we are following up on political ambitions and strengthening the Nordic business cooperation with this concrete step. By building a solid common Nordic platform for entrepreneurs and startups, new doors open for closer cooperation between the Nordic countries”, says Dagfinn Høybråten, Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers. 

Nordic Sustainable Cities on the Indian-Nordic agenda

Last week, Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, met with all the five Nordic prime ministers for the first ever India-Nordic Summit, hosted by the Swedish Prime Minister and the Indian Prime Minister in Stockholm.

One of the talking points of the summit was the Nordic Sustainable Cities project, and the prime ministers welcomed how the project aimed at supporting the Indian Smart Cities Mission.

Nordic Innovation has funded several Indian-Nordic activities through Nordic Sustainable Cities. Earlier this year, Nordic Innovation funded an India Urban Lab in Panjai, which is part of the Smart Cities Mission program in India. The four-day workshop lab saw Indian and Nordic experts joining forces to find sustainable solutions to Goa’s urban challenges.

~ Upcoming events ~

Sustainable Urban Solutions

400 international guests meet with leading Nordic and global cities and partners to explore sustainable solutions in this Nordic Clean Energy Week side event. This event is supported by Nordic Innovation through the Nordic Sustainable Cities project.

When: 23 May, 08:30 - 18:00
Where: Copenhagen, Denmark

From Food Waste to Biofuels

Nordic Energy Research and Nordic Innovation host a workshop on food waste and biofuels in Stavanger as part of the Norwegian Waste Management and Recycling Association’s (Avfall Norge) annual conference. The event is free of charge.

When: 7 June, 10:00-14:00
Where: Stavanger, Norway
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