Nordic Innovation Newsletter

Nordic Innovation at Almedalsveckan 2018

This year, we raise the issue of Nordic competitiveness and the role of scale-up companies at Almedalsveckan. It is the scale-ups that create jobs, contribute to the economy and the Nordic region’s competitiveness on the international market.

Scale-ups, or high growth companies as they are often called, are therefore key for the Nordic region to maintain the level of welfare we are enjoying today. So how can we increase the number of scale-ups in our region?

Make sure to write down the following two events in your calendar:
  • The economy of the Nordic and Baltic states – how to be competitive in the next 100 years? (June 2nd, 16.15-17.00 at the Nordic pavilion)
  • From start-up to scale-up: How do we create more high-growth companies? (July 4th, 13.00-17.00 at Breakits trädgård)

Learn how to brand, market and sell in New York!

Nordic Innovation and Team Nordics in New York have joined forces to help Nordic companies in their internationalization process. Together we host the Entrepreneurial Marketing program in New York this fall targeting creative tech companies.

The program will help Nordic creative tech companies master sales, marketing and branding. It lasts for a total of 8 months, and includes a two-day kick-off in Oslo in September, a two-week bootcamp in New York City in November, and a six-month follow-up period. The companies will also get three months membership at Nordic Innovation House in New York.

The application deadline is on August 31st 2018!

Food waste as biofuel – from trash to treasure

The Nordics generate about 10 million tons of food waste every year, but what are we doing with it? This topic has been subject to some political disagreements but it is also seen as key in decarbonizing the transportation sector and unlocking business potential in the Nordics.

Nordic Energy Research and Nordic Innovation joined forces at Avfall Norges annual conference to discuss Nordic solutions to waste management.

Do you want to promote Nordic solutions for sustainable, smart and liveable cities?

Nordic Innovation offers funding for joint Nordic activities promoting Nordic solutions for sustainable, smart and liveable cities. Apply between 1 July and 15 October!

Get more information about how to apply >>>

Are you our new colleague?

Our Nordic team in Oslo is looking for a new Senior Innovation Adviser to identify, develop and carry out Nordic cooperation projects.

Is this you or anyone you know? Apply no later than 20 August 2018!

Read more about the position and apply here (in Swedish) >>>

~ Upcoming events ~

Nordic Innovation at Almedalsveckan 2018

This year, we raise the issue of Nordic competitiveness and the role of scale-up companies at Almedalsveckan events on Monday and Wednesday.

When: July 2-4
Where: Visby, Sweden
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