John, in all the searching I’ve done, the most impactful, powerful information I’ve found has come almost exclusively from channeled sources.

Initially it was Seth and Ramtha, later Neale Donald Walsch, and in the modern day it's Vagrein, The Guides, Phineas, The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective, Theo, Adamus Saint-Germain, to name just a few.

I've discovered (as I've always suspected was true), that there's a vastly higher state of being possible for all of us to experience compared to anything we’ve ever known. It's the state otherwise known as enlightenment, self-realization, and soul integration.

I've also suspected, contrary to lore, that this state is not one from which we ride out of the physical universe on a chariot or unicorn, but, instead, it’s one that enables us to live effortlessly, magically, experiencing perpetual levels of peace and joy otherwise unimaginable.

John, starting on July 11, I’m hosting a 6-week channeled course with some of the finest living channels known todaythat will open your heart, mind, and soul to exactly what I'm talking about… moving you towards your own awakening and self-realization. 💖

We're now living through rising energies on Earth that have been heralded by sages since the beginning of time. Nostradamus, The Book of Revelations, and the fabled Mayan calendar all predicted this dawn of an epic identity shift – the Age of Aquarius. You chose to be alive right now for the acceleration in learning and growth this makes possible... to harness these winds of change as the earth moves into higher dimensions, as you shift your own vibrations even higher, into an Awakened Master state.

John, you are alive, here and now, reading this, because you are ready to taste the joy that is your birthright.

Click here to join Awakening II – It starts in 3 days!

See you on the other side,

P.S. John, if this event is not "all that,” you can have a full refund. Please try it!!  You have nothing to lose!

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