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It would not be possible for us to host this event without the generous support of our sponsors and exhibitors.
Thursday, May 24, 2018

Note from the ACDIS Director

Thanks to our 2018 exhibitors and sponsors

By Brian Murphy

Our 11th Annual ACDIS Conference was a fantastic experience involving education, networking, ideas-sharing, good times and fun with great colleagues. It would not be possible for us to host this event without the generous support of our sponsors and exhibitors.

I want to thank each and every one of them for their help in making the conference memorable, and their hard work and the many hours devoted to supporting the CDI profession.

Thank you for helping us make the 11th annual conference the best yet!



ACDIS update: Conference wrap up, office closed through Memorial Day

Thank you all for joining us for the last week of education, networking and fun! You make every year of the conference better than the last because of your enthusiasm.

General session recap: Massari calls attendees to compassion and joy in the midst of suffering

“If you take ‘One Thing’ from me today, I hope it’s that compassion heals the deepest wounds,” said today’s general session speaker Allison Massari.

And the deepest wounds are something that Massari knows intimately. In 1998, Massari was in a horrific car accident in which more than 50% of her body received second and third degree burns. Having just purchased art supplies, she had gallons of turpentine in her car which exploded, making the accident even more horrific. With what doctors later told her was mere three seconds to spare, a bystander pulled her from the inferno.


Career Center

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Overheard at the ACDIS 2018 Conference

"A CDI specialist's relationship with an ER doctor is kind of like a marriage. You have to know the doc's personality and what will or won't work." - Howard Rodenberg, MD, MPH, CCDS


Contact Us

Linnea Archibald

Carrie Dry
National Sales Manager

Association for Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialists
35 Village Road, Suite 200
Middleton, MA, 01949


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