No images? Click here Monday, 10 May, 2021 NOTE TO CORRECT: Some outlets have misinterpreted the answers provided about the B.1.617 variant of concern during today’s press conference. Based on current data, the COVID-19 vaccines remain effective at preventing disease and death in people infected with this variant. If this has been misreported by your outlet, kindly correct. DG STATEMENT AND OTHER LINKS Please find enclosed the link of the WHO Director-General's statement as well as other materials from the COVID-19 media briefing on 10 May: Globally, we are now seeing a plateauing in the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths, with declines in most regions including the Americas and Europe, the two worst-affected regions. But it’s an unacceptably high plateau, with more than 5.4 million reported cases and almost 90 thousand deaths last week. Any decline is welcome, but we have been here before. And cases and deaths are still increasing rapidly in WHO’s South-East Asia region, and there are countries in every region with increasing trends. Today, the WHO Foundation is launching the “Together for India” appeal to raise funds to support WHO’s work in India, including the purchase of oxygen, personal protective equipment and medicines. High- and upper-middle income countries represent 53% of the world’s population, but have received 83% of the world’s vaccines. By contrast, low- and lower-middle income countries account for 47% of the world’s population, but have received just 17% of the world’s vaccines.Media briefing audio file (length 47mins): Video news edit (4mins 10secs): Media assets and information on COVID-19 Media contacts: You are receiving this NO-REPLY email because you are included on a WHO mail list.