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Illustration by Peter Arkle

Notre Dame’s three hives of bees survive the catastrophic fire that destroyed the cathedral’s roof.

Fifty-four US nuclear plants were not designed to withstand the flood risk they face from climate change.

An exhausted polar bear turns up on the Russian peninsula of Kamchatka, hundreds of miles from its usual territory. Russian authorities sedate the bear and airlift it to Chukotka, far to the north.

Facebook partners with CheckYourFact.com, a fact-checking operation affiliated with The Daily Caller, Tucker Carlson’s right-wing news outlet that routinely casts doubt on climate science.

Google Maps now displays information about the availability of charging stations for electric vehicles.

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7 Books About Trees to Help You Celebrate Arbor Day: Sierra staff branches out with tree-themed recommendations.

Coal-Ravaged Indian Fishers Take to the Supreme Court: Their case is setting new precedents for corporate polluters.

The State of the Air Is Worsening as Climate Impacts Multiply: Many US cities have poor air, according to the American Lung Association.

New Podcast: The Overstory: In Episode 6 of The Overstory takes a trip to Miami's "Little Haiti" neighborhood, whichis grappling with "climate gentrification" as rising sea levels and sunny day flooding make the city's high elevation districts attractive to developers. Mr. Green, our advice columnist, talks about the environmental impacts of dogs. And we hear from a cancer survivor who is battling plastic pollution in Great Britain by paddling all of England's rivers.

The Latest Issue of Sierra MagazineCheck out the new March/April issue.

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