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Liebe foraus Freund:innen
Seit einem halben Jahr setzt sich foraus nun schon im #Wahljahr23 dafür ein, dass aussenpolitische Entwicklungen und Stillständen auch in Wahlkampfdebatten genug Platz eingeräumt wird, denn besonders für uns junge Menschen ist und bleibt #AussenpolitikUnserBier. Durch Anlässe in vielen Schweizer Städten, relevante Publikationen zu Themen wie Europa oder der Verhinderung einer weiteren globalen Pandemie sowie eine Vielzahl an aktuellen Blogs, haben unsere engagierten Community-Mitglieder einen bedeutenden Beitrag dazu geleistet, evidenzbasierte Informationen zu liefern und Diskussionen anzuregen. Auch unser neuestes Buch Hinausschauen - 26 globale Entwicklungen und die Schweiz eröffnet der interessierten Bevölkerung eine Rundumsicht der Schweizer Aussenpolitk. 30 Autorinnen und Autoren aus dem Umfeld von foraus beschreiben, in welcher Welt die Schweiz agieren, reagieren und sich positionieren muss, wie sich internationale Krisenherde, technologische Trends sowie Gouvernanz- und Wirtschaftssysteme entwickeln werden. Bestelle jetzt dein Exemplar!

David Imhof
Engagement Management Intern
Des opinions captivantes
Les derniers blogs du foraus 
foraus in den Medien
Photo of the month. 
Die foraus Community 

The foraus book launch
The vernissage of Hinausschauen - 26 globale Entwicklungen und die Schweiz was a resounding success! Over 100 guests from different generations and backgrounds profited from the insights of five decorated speakers and learned more about the grassroots writing process. In particular, the fact that our book was made possible on an entirely voluntary basis by our foraus network of experts was met with a huge round of applause. The interest in the book has since remained high with experts, journalists and other stakeholders diving into Hinausschauen as a summer lecture. 

What's hot. 
Project news of the month 

Develop revendications for Women’s Day at our next Policy⚡Flash community call!

Join the volunteers and members of foraus in this heated discussion with Women, Peace and Security Agenda (WPS) expert Aude Juillerat about gender equality in Switzerland and in foreign policy. We want to hear from within our network what you are protesting for on June 14 and what solutions you propose to come closer to a truly equal society. The Policy⚡Flash is your space to discuss pressing matters such as this and hot takes from your own areas of interest with other foreign policy enthusiasts once a month. Register as a member to partake in this discussion on Tuesday, June 6, at 6:30 pm. The Zoom link is sent to you upon registration on Eventbrite.

Trade & Sustainability Roundtable - How can international trade policy and regulation promote sustainability?

On June 6, 2023, foraus and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) have the pleasure to gather approximately 60 high-level experts from academia, the private sector, public administration and civil society to discuss the trade-sustainability nexus in Bern. How can international trade policy and regulation promote sustainability? This is the question we will be tackling with representatives from organisations such as the World Bank, OCDE, ITC, Helvetas or the WWF. The results of the roundtable will be summarised in a policy brief to be published over the summer.
Upcoming Events. 
Un amuse-bouche
        Postes vacants ! / We are hiring!
Für Wissensdurstige. 
Unsere neuste foraus-Publikation

Protecting the world from future pandemics - check out our newest project brief!

While WHO officially declared the end of COVID-19’s health emergency status on May 5, it will have long-standing consequences on the way the global state community collaborates to prevent, prepare against- and respond to future pandemics in the decades to come. Amid ongoing negotiations around a legally binding pandemic instrument and amendments to the International Health Regulations, foraus successfully launched its latest project brief Protecting the world from future pandemics in Geneva on May 16. Check out the four visions for more equity, capacity and paradigm shift among global health systems developed by our 22 co-authors from the University of Geneva and the Graduate Institute!

foraus - Forum Aussenpolitik
 Marktgasse 36, 3011 Bern 
T: +41 44 501 68 65
foraus - Forum de politique étrangère 
c/o Impact Hub, Rue Fendt 1, 1201 Genève
T: +41 22 559 96 96
2022 © foraus 

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