Now available on Mehring Books Why Study the Russian Revolution? Volume II: Toward Workers Power and World Socialist Revolution Mehring Books is pleased to announce the publication of the second volume of the International Committee of the Fourth International’s centennial lectures: Why Study the Russian Revolution? It is available for online purchase at The two volumes examine the background, history, consequences and enduring relevance of the Russian Revolution, the most significant event of the 20th century. The second volume includes the final four lectures in the ICFI lecture series, tracing the course of the revolution from the July Days through the conquest of power by the working class under the leadership of the Bolshevik Party in October. The final lecture by David North reviews the place of the October Revolution in world history. The volume also includes several supplementary essays and lectures by North, including “The October Revolution and Historical Truth.” The two volumes will contribute immensely to the education of an entire generation of workers and young people in the critical political and theoretical issues necessary for the building of a socialist movement today. As David North states in the lecture introducing the first volume: There is not a single significant social problem that can be solved within the framework of capitalism. Indeed, the logic of capitalism and the nation-state system, which forms the basis of imperialist geopolitics, is leading inexorably to yet another global war, this time fought with nuclear weapons. Nothing can stop the descent into disaster but the renewal of the conscious struggle for world socialism. This, above all, is why it is necessary to study the Russian Revolution. Order your copy of Why Study the Russian Revolution? today at Mehring Books: |