But look at these scrumptious brownies you can make with your free brownie mix.
The cheesecake brownies above. Make a simple cream cheese filling and swirl it through the mix.
Nutella brownies. These are incredible. Add Nutella to the brownies to make them smooth and rich, unlike any other brownies. Then the coarsely chopped snacking nuts are a killer.
Brownie pizza. There are two ways to go here: bake a pizza in a pizza pan then top it with sweets like candy, nuts and caramel topping or go with fruit and some chocolate sauce. I went with fruit.
Caramel macaroon brownies. This is an incredible concoction of brownie, coconut macaroons, and a caramel topping.
Banana split brownies. Make a banana split on top of a brownie.
Malted toffee brownies. Adding malt powder is a nice touch. Adding toffee bits makes it even better.