Nurse Officers Stave Off COVID-19 Burnout With Help of Interim Execs
Monday, March 22, 2021

"A lot of nurses have the instinct to sacrifice for the greater good, meaning that they work and work until their cup of energy wears down and stress starts to take a greater toll." — Brian Krehbiel, senior partner and expert on interim leadership, WittKieffer

Nurse executives working long hours and weeks or months without time off because of COVID-19 are getting a break as some health systems place interim executives into rotation. I spoke to Brian Krehbiel with executive search firm Wittkieffer about how this trend is helping nurse leaders avoid COVID burnout. Read it here.


Nurse Officers Stave Off COVID-19 Burnout With Help of Interim Execs
Health systems are employing temporary nurse leaders to help executives take a much-needed break.
COVID-19 Vaccine Information Site Launched for Nurses
Website provides a central and credible hub for vaccine-related details.
Certified Nurses Day Honors Extraordinary Dedication to the Profession
Health systems benefit from a 'nursing workforce committed to lifelong learning'
Leading through the Pandemic
As we look back on the year, the pandemic has been a challenging time for healthcare professionals. We want to recognize the extraordinary teamwork shown at health systems across the country and give you the opportunity to recognize a fellow colleague for their outstanding leadership.
ANA Launches Innovation Advisory Board
Board members provide proficiencies from a range of perspectives and skills.
To 'Disrupt' the COVID-19 Virus, Gargle and Rinse!
An over-the-counter mouthwash could slow the spread of the virus.
PSQH Quick Poll: A Look at Patient Safety Efforts During the Pandemic
Asked how much the pandemic is continuing to affect their organization, 71.7% of respondents said they were still dealing with COVID-19, but they have it under control. 

Must Reads


That's all for this Monday. Thank you for turning to HealthLeaders for your healthcare nursing news. We're always interested in what management strategies, innovations, or best practices you have to offer your peers.

Please email me at with any ideas or suggestions. Have a good week and stay safe!


Carol Davis
Nursing Editor