Now there’s a new lineup …
A Mid-Year Market Outlook Event

With 2024 almost at its halfway mark… 

Roger Scott is inviting traders and investors from all walks of life to see his critical Mid-Year Market Outlook!

The last time Roger went public with big predictions like what you’ll see in a moment…

Not only did he nail them spot on… 

But everybody who listened had a chance to make a lot of money! 

Like back in December, he predicted Nvidia would be the top-performing stock of the year… 

And now it’s up 90% in five months! 

With the right options, traders could have made a killing!

He also predicted Humana would be one of the WORST stocks this year, and check out the chart on that… 

It looks awful… 

Already down nearly 40% year to date.

Why am I mentioning Roger’s past epic calls?

Well, it’s because his next batch of predictions for the second half of 2024 isn’t about tech stocks or AI…

Instead, he’s covering other important topics that are set to impact the markets heavily in the coming months…

That includes topics like election volatility, gold, oil…

And of course the S&P 500. 

Point is, this is a whole new lineup of predictions… 

And Roger Scott is sharing it for free as part of his Big Picture 2024 event!

So if you want in on his mid-year market outlook…

Along with a shocking S&P 500 price prediction…

It’s all lined up for you in his BIG PICTURE 2024 event

All you have to do is go check it out here - For Free!

Talk soon,

The TradingPub

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